21 July 2021

Opportunity to Provide Feedback | Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) | Five Year Rule Review

Pssssssst! What's this??
What is NPDES? “National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” - ppt  video online download

Take Survey >

Responses due no later than Aug. 6, 2021

If you know others who may be interested in providing input on these rules, please forward this feedback opportunity. . INSERT > File:NPDES Permit Components EPA chart.png - Wikipedia


Water Quality Division

Five Year Rule Review

Feedback Welcome

ADEQ invites interested community members, businesses and government personnel to participate in a review of ADEQ’s Water Quality Rules, in the Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 9: Water Pollution Control:

Please review the above article and participate in the following survey for the opportunity to provide feedback on ADEQ's rules. 

Take Survey >

Responses due no later than Aug. 6, 2021

If you know others who may be interested in providing input on these rules, please forward this feedback opportunity. Thank you for your participation in the rule review process.

What are Five Year Reviews? | Click here to learn more >


For questions, please contact:
Jon Rezabek at rezabek.jon@azdeq.gov

About ADEQ

Under the Environmental Quality Act of 1986, the Arizona State Legislature established the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality in 1987 as the state agency for protecting and enhancing public health and the environment of Arizona. For more information, visit azdeq.gov.

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