03 July 2023

TODAY MARKS INDEPENDENCE DAY: The day of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazis,

3 July 1944 was the day of Soviet liberation of Minsk from the Wehrmacht during the Minsk Offensive (code-named "Bagration"). 
The decision to celebrate Independence Day on 3 July, the day of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazis, from 27 July, the day of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Belarus in breaking away from the Soviet Union, was made during a controversial national referendum held in 1996 proposed by President Alexander Lukashenko.

3 JULY 2023, 07:00

Belarus marks Independence Day

MINSK, 3 July (BelTA) – Today Belarus marks Independence Day, the main holiday of Belarusian statehood.

The decision to celebrate Independence Day on 3 July was adopted in a nationwide referendum on 24 November 1996. In the same year, President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the decree to establish the public holiday - Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day). It is marked on the day Minsk was liberated from the Nazi invaders – 3 July 1944. This holiday has become a symbol of the national revival of our state.

During the Great Patriotic War Belarus was the first to bear the brunt of the Nazi war machine. Minsk came under merciless bombing and artillery bombardment on the second day of the war. The Nazi seized Minsk on 28 June. Since the very first days of the occupation Minsk fiercely fought against the enemy. 1,100 days of occupation equal 1,100 days of selfless, heroic fight against the Nazi invaders. Minsk was occupied but not conquered.

The Belarusian capital city was liberated from the Nazi invaders on 3 July 1944 as a result of the brilliant Belarusian strategic offensive operation through joint efforts of the 1st and 3rd Belarusian Fronts assisted by partisans. The day is celebrated as the day of liberation of the entire country.

Belarusians know the price of freedom. The country lost every third resident in the course of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

On July 3, the Belarusian nations pays tribute to the heroism and perseverance of soldiers, the selfless struggle of the underground fighters, the great labor feat of those who raised the country from ruins, built factories, houses and schools."

There is no other date but 3 July for Belarus Independence Day no matter how badly the descendants of the Nazis abroad and their accomplices ...
БелТА · Информационное агентство БелТА · 2 days ago

On the occasion of Belarus’ official Independence Day, the people of the United States of America send their warmest wishes to the people of Belarus.

Your courage, resilience, and perseverance in pursuing a democratic, sovereign, and stable future for Belarus have inspired the world.  From behind prison walls, in the cities in which you find yourselves in exile, and within your homes in Belarus, you continue to stand up and speak out for a truly independent and democratic future for your country, where you can live free of repression and where you will be able to determine the course of your own future.

The United States commends and supports your tireless efforts to champion Belarus’ unique language, culture, and identity.  We admire your perseverance in defending human rights and fundamental freedoms.  We call for the unconditional release of all of the more than 1,500 Belarusian political prisoners, and for an end to the ongoing repression in Belarus.

The United States has stood for a democratic, independent, and sovereign Belarus for more than 30 years.  That commitment remains unwavering.

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