10 April 2024

Cameron’s appeal to Trump could make or break Ukraine’s resistance again...


Marjorie Taylor Greene says David Cameron ‘Can kiss my a**’


Marjorie Taylor Greene says David Cameron 'Can kiss my a**'

 James Matthews of Sky News asked Ms Greene: “David Cameron says that you should vote through funding for Ukraine. What do you say to that?”

“I think he tried to compare us to Hitler also,” Ms Greene said, mixing up the appeasers, whose conduct Lord Cameron did cite, and the Nazi leader.

Ms Greene has previously faced criticism for making comments comparing the use of masks during the pandemic to the Holocaust. She later visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and apologised for the remarks.

Speaking about Lord Cameron on Wednesday, Ms Greene told Sky News: “If that's the kind of language he wants to use, I really have nothing to say to him.”

“He likened you can do to an appeaser for Hitler, in not voting through funding for Ukraine, are you an appeaser for Putin?” Matthews asked.

“I think that I really don't care what David Cameron has to say. I think that's rude name-calling, and I don't appreciate that type of language. And David Cameron needs to worry about his own country, and frankly, he can kiss my a**,” she added.

Marjorie Taylor Greene lashes out over Cameron’s Nazi appeaser comparison: ‘Frankly he can kiss my a**’

‘I do not want us to show the weakness displayed against Hitler in the 1930s. He came back for more, costing us far more lives to stop his aggression,’ UK foreign secretary writes

Gustaf Kilander
Washington, DC


Hard-right Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene said British Foreign Secretary David Cameron “can kiss my a**” after he urged the US Congress to pass aid to Ukraine and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, citing the appeasement of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the lead-up to the Second World War.

The Democratic Senate has already passed a bill which would send further aid to Ukraine but the legislation faces a steep uphill climb in the House.

In an op-ed published in The Hill on Wednesday, Lord Cameron wrote: “As Congress debates and votes on this funding package for Ukraine, I am going to drop all diplomatic niceties. I urge Congress to pass it.”

“I believe our joint history shows the folly of giving in to tyrants in Europe who believe in redrawing boundaries by force,” he added“I do not want us to show the weakness displayed against Hitler in the 1930s. He came back for more, costing us far more lives to stop his aggression.

“I do not want us to show the weakness displayed against Putin in 2008, when he invaded Georgia, or the uncertainty of the response in 2014, when he took Crimea and much of the Donbas — before coming back to cost us far more with his aggression in 2022,” Lord Cameron, a former UK prime minister, argued. 
“I want us to show the strength displayed since 2022, as the West has helped Ukrainians liberate half the territory seized by Putin, all without the loss of any NATO service personnel.”
David Cameron 'can kiss my a**'
Uploaded: Feb 14, 2024
US: Republican congresswoman says David Cameron 'can kiss my a**'

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