05 September 2024

News September 5: appointment of ministers, GDP growth, discussions on taxes

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National Bank of Ukraine: About replacing the name "copy" with a historically justified name in Ukraine "shag"

Our hryvnia – of the prince's family, and shag – comes from the famous Cossack family. The name of the shag in the life of Ukrainians was etymologically formed in the XVII century. during the time of Hetmanshchyna and was revived during the Ukrainian Revolution in 1918, was used in the monetary documents of the Ukrainian underground OUN and UPA and was to be restored in independent Ukraine.

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News September 5: 

appointment of ministers, 

GDP growth, 

discussions on taxes

Thursday, September 5, 2024, 9:00 PM - 

About new ministers: Verkhovna Rada appointed of the new Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine - Vitaly Koval, who left the post of head of the SPF the day before.

Former CEO of Ukroboronprom Herman Smetanin became head of the Ministry of Strategic Industries.

About GDP: Growth gross domestic product (GDP) of Ukraine in July 2024 compared to July last year was 2.7%, which is better than the June figure of 1.1%, but worse than May and April - 3.7% and 4.3%, respectively.

About business and taxes: Member companies of the European Business Association (EBA) hopethat instead of №11416-d on raising taxes for government business, it will be possible to formulate rules that will help fill the state budget in another way.

About the IMF: International Monetary Fund mission sees lack of resources in the tax increase and among additional sources offers a revision of VAT.

About electricity: On Friday, September 6, the light shutdown schedules will apply all day, only 1 queue will be turned off.

EP exclusives

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The analysis of the EP shows that in addition to the Russian-occupied 18% of Ukrainian agricultural land due to hostilities from agricultural circulation, another 6% of the country's area was temporarily withdrawn.

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The title of Hero of Ukraine provides for a number of payments and benefits, but not everyone can claim them.

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