20 September 2024

News Today:

 About the project

"Economic truth"  project "Ukrainian truth", dedicated to business and economy. Project mission  to increase the transparency of the government, implement the principles of the free market in Ukraine and minimize state intervention.

Our main method  cover events as they really are. That is, we are not interested in the official point of view, if completely different mechanisms work unofficially. This applies to any area, from public procurement to the quality of yogurts. We can afford such a luxury as telling the truth. Of course, we have our own point of view on many issues, but purity and transparency — our main criterion.

Therefore, dear readers, we will be very grateful to you if you will signal to us about any events that you think are not worthy of man.

If you have any questions or suggestions on topics covered by "Economic Truth", please send your suggestions to econompravda@gmail.com

Mushroom leather. How a Ukrainian startup makes ecological material

New program from the state: what is "National Cashback" and how it works
How does the National Cashback program work, for the purchase of which goods you can get funds from the state and what can they be spent on?
See the future: how digital twins change the world around us
Companies massively create digital twins of products, processes and systems. In turn – human body.
How many Maserati, Ferrari and Aston Martin were bought by Ukrainians during the Great War
Who in Ukraine buys the most expensive cars in the world and whether 2024 beat sales of the pre-war period? EP study.
Made in Germany no longer works: why Volkswagen is forced to close factories
The legendary German automaker loses its power. Does Volkswagen threaten bankruptcy?

Ukrainian business in a war: where to find resources for development

Applicants for the position of chairman of "PrivatBank", "Ukrnaft" makes a profit, but there are still no reports
Two state-owned banks received funds from the EBRD for business lending, another attempt to sell Belgorod-Dniester Port failed: the main events in the life of state-owned companies on September 8-14.
Instead of charity – second-hand. Where do the things you throw in the containers end up
There are hundreds of containers in Kyiv to collect clothes for the needy. Why do only 10% of things go to charity?
From idea to shot: how weapons are projected, produced and sold in Ukraine
The country's closed arms market will reach $ 6 billion in 2024. How is it arranged?
Where Ukraine will take and what it will spend money on in 2025. Analysis of the state budget
The government approved the state budget for 2025. What will fill it with and what will they spend it on? The EP analyzed a document prepared by Minfin.
The state seeks to tax parcels from Aliexpress and Temu. What will change?
Due to the duty-free import of goods, the Ukrainian budget annually does not receive billions of hryvnias, but soon the preferential limit of 150 euros may be revised.


State budget: objective reflection of the economy

How the key indicators of the country's financial plan for 2025 will change.

Galas around profitable real estate: marketing move or a really good investment mechanism?


Where does the trend of investing in profitable real estate, whether the information noise around it is justified, and how it works.

The expediency of economic booking on the example of business

The government's decision on "salary armor" will be an unpopular but correct step. Why is transparent business inclined to this model?

How was the summer season of 2024 in Ukrainian hotels

Despite the war, the workload of hotels has increased this year. Which areas had the greatest demand?

Real estate investments abroad: how to save capital and earn income in euros and dollars

How to invest in real estate abroad and the most profitable investment destinations for Ukrainians.

How much does Ukraine lose in the replaced fields?

How to accelerate the demining of agricultural land and is it possible in the near future?

Eye and voice payment: do I need to look back sometimes?

The main trends in the development of fintech services in Ukraine and what to expect in the near future?

Maxim School: The state has funded the protection of energy objects from missiles by 10%

The owner of the "Storm" about who managed to create the largest participant in the "Great Construction", about building protection for energy facilities, building bridges and subways in Kyiv and billions of debts, in the formation of which he accuses the prime minister.
Ukraine confiscated plastic pipe factories from the Russian oligarch
News September 20: restrictions on the use of Telegram, Antonova aircraft, IAEA about the WEU
EPAntonov has temporarily suspended work on the new An-225 Dream aircraft
ANONSEP will hold a forum "Ukrainian exports: the window opens?"
Supplies of Russian autogas to Poland are declining and may cease in October
For Ukraine they want to buy more large-scale energy equipment – UNDP
EPAntonov Airlines will reach the level of revenue in 2021, despite the loss of aircraft
The Ukrainian reconnaissance platform on the battlefield received 600 thousand euros in investment
There are no plans for power outages in Ukraine on Saturday
Natbank has shown how much the dollar and the euro will cost after the weekend
Oil production and export volumes exceeded pre-war periods
EP, PHOTOAntonov fulfilled the contract of the SES for the production of the An-32P fire aircraft
"Ukrzaliznytsia" launches Wi-Fi in high-speed trains: while free
OpenAI investors expect the startup to cost $ 1 trillion in the future
On a non-repayable basis: Minfin called the terms of the loan 35 billion euros from the EU
New Mail airline made its first flight on its own plane
In Ukraine, wheat was harvested almost four times more than Ukrainians consume
General Motors recalls nearly half a million cars in the United States 
ARMA has announced a competition for the manager of the dacha Medvedchuk
Export Forum “Economic Truth”. List of participants announced
Raiffeisenbank leaves Belarus
Money in Ukrainian production: Denmark transfers the first 40 million euros to the Ministry of Defense
For the first time since the 1960s, the UK's state debt reached 100% of GDP
The government expects budget revenues to grow by almost 30% in 2025
Ukrainians were warned of complicated passage through another checkpoint on the border with Poland
The IAEA calls on the Russian Federation to deoccupy the WEU and return the station to Ukrainian control
Turkey has refused to resume the operation of the payment system of the Russian Federation "Peace"
Prosecutor's Office closed criminal proceedings against businessman Sokolovsky
Telegram's ban on civil servants does not apply to personal devices – CPD
Canada is opening a new mining center to compete with China
PROMOTEDEveryone will find their benefit: a review of the new Alliance banking application
updatedThe head of the European Commission announced the allocation of 35 billion euros of credit to Ukraine
Ukrainian business is promised support for a quick start to Etsy: what are the conditions
Nike fired the CEO due to poor sales
Ukroboronprom has announced a competition for the position of new CEO
photoMinorities allowed to supply the Armed Forces with a unique amphibious ATV "TAHA"
PROMOTEDProtecting corporate interests with IBM OpenPages*
China is considering lifting restrictions on housing to stimulate demand
Civil servants and the military were banned from using Telegram in the service
AMKU fined the owner of the KLO refueling brand
Ukraine — the world's fifth largest country in terms of digital public services
Consumers in five areas were de-energized due to the shelling
The United States wants to tighten sanctions against Russian oil

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