14 October 2024

Top Countries by Population – 1960/2050 | Statistics & Data


Top Countries by Population - 1960/2050 -

The world’s population in 2020 has nearly reached 8 billion. In fact, there will be over 7.834 billion people worldwide in 2020. But which nations in the world have the most people? How has the world’s population grown over the years? Which are the nations that will have the most inhabitants in 2050? All of these questions are answered in this in-depth study.

Top 20 Countries by Population – 1960/2050

In this new video I made on the “Statistics and Data” channel you can see the evolution of the Top 20 Countries by Population from 1960 to 2050. The data from 1960 to 2020 are “certain”. From 2020 to 2050 I used several databases, including Eurostat, to show the projections. These projections can obviously change. But usually over the past few decades the projections made by these institutions have always been correct.

Let’s start in 1960. 60 years ago the nation with the most inhabitants was China followed by India and the United States. China had over 667 million inhabitants and India over 450 million. The United States had more than 180. Next was Russia (USSR) with less than 180 million and then all the other nations of the world with less than 100 million. Among the top 20 nations it is interesting to note that in 1960 there were many from Europe/European Union. Among these are Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, etc.

If we move to 2020, we can see that China and India alone have reached almost 3 billion inhabitants worldwide. 
Nations with more than 100 million inhabitants have become 14. Among these are countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil. 
But what is striking in general is how most of the countries of Europe have dropped out of the top 20. In fact, removing the USSR, which has since become Russia, and Germany, there is only one European Union country among the top 20 and only one country from the enlarged Europe.

Top 20 countries by population in 2050

And in 30 years, what will happen? 

According to various estimates, including Eurostat, India could surpass China in population as early as 2022. 

  • In fact, in 2050, India could have more than 1.6 billion inhabitants. In this way this country will surpass China by almost 300 million inhabitants. 
  • In third place, Nigeria, an African country, will surpass the United States, which will drop from third place for the first time. 
  • To grow – as it is easy to see from the video above – will be, above all, Asian and African countries. Among these, for example, Congo will have almost 200 million inhabitants. Also in 2050 among the 20 most populated countries in the world there will be no nation belonging to the European Union.

Below are all the nations by population numbers in the years: 1960, 2020 and 2050.

Evolution of Population in 2100 by Continent

We’ve seen the nations in the world that had the most inhabitants in 1960, in 2020, and in the near-term future, in 2050. 

But which continents will have the most inhabitants by 2100? 

To answer this question we are helped by the table made by Statistca based on data from the United Nations.

In Asia, there will be an increase from 4601 million inhabitants in 2019 to over 4700 in 2100. 

But the greatest growth will be in Africa. From 1308 billion in 2019, in 2100 it is assumed that there will be over 4 million. More precisely, 4280 million. 

  • In less than 80 years, Africa will almost become the most populated continent in the world. 
  • Following in third place is Europe, which will lose inhabitants, and North America, which will see growth. 
  • Stable instead South America. 
  • Live growth in Central America and Oceania.

Sources and useful links

To write this article I used several sources: Statista, Eurostat, Our World in Data.

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