Monday, March 23, 2015

Downtown Mesa Now: Raising The Tent of A New Spiritual Revival. . . Oh Yeah!

Mesa, Arizona. Monday, March 23, 2015

Celebrations to commemorate the 4th Milestone of the Central Mesa Light Rail Extension took place about two hours ago, with the tone of a spiritual tent raising offered by the regional director of the Federal Transit Administration that brought smiles and appreciation to the attending crowd assembled in the shade under a big tent across from the construction progress for the new station and the installation of eye-catching public station art on Main Street and Mesa Drive. Construction is set to wrap up later this fall to complete this stage of the Central Mesa extension project.

The regional director of the FTA got a roar of approval from officials and the station artist in the podium area and from those guests gathered under the tent when he announced that the funding for the expansion of the light rail system to Gilbert Road has been approved, the next section for advancing the planned seven light rail extensions that are planned or under construction that will create the 60-mile regional transport system by 2034.

There was a fun foto op for the gathered officials and the station artist after the celebration with the monumental installation of the public artworks in the background.
Mesa City Major John Giles, at right of center with Vice-Mayor Kavanaugh, is flashing the commemorative pin for this milestone event.

Station artist Mary Lucking can be seen on the right side.

... and here's an image of some of the other important players in celebrating the progress of a new milestone in Mesa's future.
Thanks go to Corinne Holliday in Valley Metro's Public Information Office, as well as to Rob Antoniak who's the Director of Community Outreach.

Other media were there from Mesa' own local television Channel 11, as well as Channel 5 and Channel 12 from Phoenix

Reporting on this same event from Arizona Republic
Mesa mayor: Rail extension will revive downtown

"As officials and residents gathered to celebrate progress on the city's 3.1-mile central Mesa light-rail extension Monday, Mesa Mayor John Giles said he believes prosperity will come to downtown with the train when the extension opens this fall . . .

"At City Hall, the phone is ringing off the hook with smart, intelligent, seasoned real-estate developers that are lining up to be a part of what's happening in downtown Mesa right now," he said.

Vice Mayor Dennis Kavanaugh is quoted as saying: "I'm so pleased that my council colleagues at that time had the foresight and courage, along with other Valley leaders, to move ahead," he said.
Giles, who served alongside Kavanaugh in those days, echoed his comments.
"Since that time, we've seen people change. We've seen what they want change," he said. "Millennials, seniors, everybody — this is what they want. They don't want more parking lots."

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