Monday, March 23, 2015

Thank You, Forbes Magazine, but .... get to know New Urban Downtown Mesa!

This is NOT New Urban Downtown Mesa Today 2015
Your MesaZona journalist is just "a little guy" in the world of online reporting but I gotta say when a major respected publication like Forbes Magazine in an article published on March 17, 2015 about some of the best places to retire in Arizona - Tucson and Mesa - uses an outdated foto from Getty Images of Downtown Mesa viewed by over 19,000 people, that kind of sloppy research needs to get attention.!
So, what's wrong with the publication of this image?

Question: With all the resources that Forbes Magazine has, why are both the contributing reporter and the research staff at the magazine using an old image of Downtown Mesa in the current article "Best Places to Retire"????
Quick and easy to use an old and outdated stock foto from Getty Images, without knowing what Mesa 2015 really looks like?
Anyone WHO KNOWS Mesa now can easily see by starting at the bottom center left, the intersection of First Avenue & Center Street running diagonally northwest, there is no Mesa Arts Center in the picture! That's just very obvious.
.... this publication is suggesting that City of Mesa officials and groups with an interest in developing and supporting the regeneration of the New Urban Mesa bring attention to this "glitch" in the reporting by Forbes Magazine, either by using social media links available here on blogger or anyway that is effective.

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