Friday, March 27, 2015

Yeah! BEST OF MESA 2015: Who's on 1st? . . Who's on 2nd? and Who's on 3rd?

This blog likes to connect with and feature other media reporting on the New Urban Downtown Mesa
The East Valley Tribune has just published its annual results from voting by its readers and it looks like the bases are loaded with players from downtown! - and it's early in the game, folks.
This blog provides the names and locations of those businesses voted on by EVT readers - a few more details than what a Tweet from DMA says are "several things"

While Sub-Urban shopping malls, the destination of choice by many for shopping and services, are in first and second places, Downtown Mesa is poised to score a Home Run with being on third base for Places to Shop - there's a strong and experienced manager supporting the team and promotingdowntown businesses - Downtown Mesa
Click on that GoTo Link for downtown Mesa information

Here's are some hand-picked highlights of the businesses from the reporting by the East Valley Tribune. This blogger encourages you to read the original reporting in the BEST OF MESA 2015 links provided below.

FOOD & DRINK First, Second and Third Places to go to
 [OK, let's be blunt and intense here - put all these on your List of Things to Do & Places To Go ...Hint-Hint: Spend some of your money downtown, walk around and Get To Know Downtown Mesa If You Knew It You'd Do It]

3rd Place Best of Mesa 2015 Food Asian: Nunthaporn's Thai Cuisine @ 17 W Main 
1st Place Best of Mesa 2015 Food Mexican: Backyard Taco @ 1524 E University

2nd Place Best of Mesa 2015 Food Mexican: Rosa's @ 328 E University 

2nd Place Best of Mesa 2015 Food Seafood Restaurant: Pete's Fish & Chips* @ 22 S Mesa Drive

1st  Place Best of Mesa 2015 Specialty Cuisine: Bistro 13 @ 1353 W Main

1st Place Best of Mesa 2015 Place for a Drink: Desert Eagle Brewery* @ 1500 W Main

1st Place  Best of Mesa 2015 Coffee House: Inside the Bungalow Espresso Cafe @ 48 N Robson

2nd Place Best of Mesa 2015 Bakery: Sweet Cakes Cafe @ 21 W Main


Best of Mesa 2015 Jeweler: 1st & @ 2nd Places for Downtown Mesa 

Dickson's Jewelers @ 54 W Main

Gunnell's Jewelry @ 133 W Main

* Pete's Fish & Chips has been in business in Downtown Mesa for over 68 years

* Desert Eage Brewery is one of the newest businesses in Downtown Mesa

Here are your Quick Click-on & Go-To Links to the East Valley Tribune articles
BEST OF MESA 2015: Food & Drink
BEST OF MESA 2015 Shopping
BEST OF MESA 2015: Recreation

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