24 January 2016

Open Data: Real-Time Air Monitoring Data + Maricopa County Air Quality

Map of Air Monitoring Stations
Maricopa County Air Monitoring Division offers enhanced data from the monitoring network [23sites shown in map] including:
Real-time updates for PM-10
Hourly updates for other criteria pollutants
Real-time meteorology
National Weather Service radar
Satellite imagery
Air Quality Index ratings
The network provides an accurate and timely representation of the ambient air quality within Maricopa County - over 220 days per year of "moderate pollution" from carbon emissions.
Dirty air? Dirty fossil-fuels?
Real-time Air Monitoring Data here http://alert.fcd.maricopa.gov/alert/Google/v3/air.html

In cooperation with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other governmental agencies, the division operates 23 air quality sites which measure for the following pollutants:  
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Lead
  • Nitrogen Dioxide
  • Ozone
  • Particulates Matter (PM-10 and PM-2.5)
  • Sulfur Dioxide
The data from these sites are used in a variety of different ways. This includes the ability to determine attainment status with the Clean Air Act, modeling for new sources and providing data to Air Quality Forecaster.

Here's a map of continental United States with average temperature ranks - it was the 3rd warmest in Arizona's history.
As you can see in a previous 2015 was a record-breaking year for breaking records of high temperatures.
Most people call it climate change and are taking actions to increase renewable energy sources and/of eliminate the use of fossil-fuels.
The 3 F's: Fossil Fuel Free

Some of the world's leading cities have been working to alleviate climate change for a while now. Extracts from Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charlie-hales/these-major-cities-prove-going-green-is-not-only-possible-but-profitable_b_9051822.html

Mayor Charlie Hales, Portland
Portland, for example, has become one of the easiest and most enjoyable cities to live, work and get around sustainably and affordably by pursuing an aggressive Climate Action Plan and putting in place the strongest restrictions in the country on any new infrastructure that would transport or store fossil fuels within the city.
More than 7 percent of Portlanders bicycle to work each day
Portlanders recycle and compost more than twice what's thrown away.
Energy use across the city: - 22%  
CO2 emissions: - 14 percent from 1990 levels 
Population increase: + 26%
Job increase:  + 12 percent

Mayor Karin Wanngard, Stockholm
Stockholm takes climate change very seriously and has done so for a very long time.
We've set the ambitious goal of becoming completely fossil fuel free by 2040 and are on a path to meet it.
And most years, we show up on every list of the "most livable cities" in the world.
CO2 emissions: - 44% per capita
Increase in local economy: + 9 %
Population increase: + 6%.

Mayor Gregor Robertson Vancouver
Vancouver has also shown that going green is good for the environment and for the economy.
Last year, Vancouver became the first major city in North America to set the goal of getting to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 or sooner.
Already, more than 50% of all trips in Vancouver are done by bike, foot or transit, reducing congestion and improving people's health.
CO2 emissions: - 7% from 1990 levels [lowest carbon emissions/person in North America]
Job increase: + 30%
Population increase: + 34 %

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