20 January 2016

Taking A Look Re:Tithing | Medieval Practice or Mormon Flat-Rate Income Tax?

Just getting my "daily dose of Mormonism" via inbox from The Mormon News Report 3 hours ago at 7:01 a.m.
Yours truly was busy getting other posts up here on this site, but went back to scan the inbox to keep up-to-date on what's getting published online from Salt Lake City and learning more about that interesting religion.
Way-back-when, your MesaZona blogger and his brother were "altar boys" passing the basket to the congregation in a place of worship. Most people gave what they wanted or could afford to give. Having the pleasure to meet and talk with a few LDS members here, they all made a point to say they paid the 10% obligation to the Mormon Church. [A detail like that would never be asked by me since it's a matter of practicing one's faith].
Nonetheless, the mystery remains ... maybe it's like being required to pay dues if you belong to a union? Maybe it's some kind of income tax levying an exact percentage on what you earn? Are there credits and loop-holes and deductions? . . .
Today there was on Page Two a featured link
Letter to the Editor:
 Utah’s flat tax rate like LDS tithe rate
The Salt Lake Tribune

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Barchart @Barchart Death Candle for $META after reporting earnings - ouch 1:09 PM · Apr 24, 2024 · 103.1K Views