10 November 2017

DTMesa Triple-Vision: A Charrette or A Bus Tour or A Prototyping Festival ??

Years after that "Downtown Vision Thing" it is exciting for your MesaZona blogger to have the opportunity to highlight three events of possible significance for the future transformation of The New Urban Downtown Mesa.
Who's reached out to engage the diverse community the most either from the top-down or from all directions that can accelerate can Re/Generating The New Urban DTMesa??
1. The Mesa Chamber of Commerce will be staging a Charrette  on November 14
2. Local First AZ, the City of Mesa and RAIL will be sponsoring a Bus Tour November 15

3. Downtown Mesa Prototyping Festival will be staging
What's more inter-active and more dynamic for you?
What gets you excited?

Downtown Mesa Planning Charrette
Earlier this summer the Mesa Chamber participated in a planning charrette process including an informative trip to Salt Lake City.  Some great information came from those meetings and VODA, the firm working on the final document, has done further research and interviews over the summer with various individuals. 
 VODA will be in town the middle of next week for some final outreach before they finish up the charrette report.  We'd love to invite interested members to have a chance to meet Mark Morris from VODA while he is here to offer your thoughts on what we need for a thriving downtown Mesa. 
When:  Tuesday, November 14 -  8am - 9:30am
Where:  Mesa Chamber of Commerce -  165 N. Centennial Way, #208, Mesa 
Please register to attend using this link: http://bit.ly/2m2wC0p 
Mesa On the Line Bus Tour
Following the success of our Camelback Light Rail Corridor bus tour, For(u)m shifts its attention eastward. Complementing Local First's work in small-business technical assistance for those affected by the Mesa light rail extension, this bus tour focuses on the current and prospective developments taking place as the light rail runs through downtown Mesa. 
Along and around Main Street, after decades of mostly-dormancy, Mesa has begun to be awakened. Starting with the singular multicultural experience of Mekong Plaza and the new market-rate townhome development of Main Street Station, the light rail line has welcomed and enhanced affordable housing and mixed-use projects, dynamic new retail, restaurants, and breweries, and unique pop-up and adaptive reuse projects.
In partnership with the City of Mesa and RAILMesa, this tour shines a light on the temporary use, new retail and restaurants, affordable housing, creative space, and mixed-use developments that will shape the next wave of investment for this vital, historic corridor.
Tour stops and speakers include El Rancho, Mesa Artspace Lofts, Cider Corps, Mekong Plaza, and more to be confirmed.
Admission is $10 in advance.
For(u)m members receive discounted admission
E-mail Connor@localfirstaz.com for details and to reserve your space.
Click here to RSVP: https://www.localfirstaz.com/events/forum-mesa-bus-tour
Learn more about Local First Arizona's work to advocate for thoughtful and sustainable development in the Phoenix metro area: https://localfirstaz.com/forum/ 
Main Street Prototyping Festival
NOVEMBER 17-18, 2017 FRI. 5-10PM & SAT. NOON-10PM
The Main Street Prototyping Festival, a free event, will feature 20 temporary prototypes (created by artists, architects, designers, students, makers, urban planners and others) that activate public space and engage the community toward enhancing connectivity and vibrancy in downtown Mesa. Prototypes include concepts for gathering places, virtual reality experiences, structures that offer space for interaction, performances, places to play and share in art making, and ways for passersby to offer feedback about their community. #mesaprototyping
 Click to view a map of the festival and placement of prototypes
 Through the festival, the City of Mesa, Mesa Arts Center, Neighborhood Development Corp. (NEDCO), Local Initiatives Support Corporation Phoenix (LISC) and Downtown Mesa Association (DMA) are collaborating to engage creative minds and the community in testing ideas that respond to dreams, needs and desires of citizens and visitors.   
 The Festival is supported by the City of Mesa, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, and a generous Our Town grant for $75,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts.  
Mesa Arts Center events

Join our team of volunteers 
Be part of designing something truly remarkable - volunteer at The Main Street Prototyping Festival. Volunteers play a significant role in the success and overall enjoyment of the festival and downtown community. This is a unique opportunity to meet new people, engage with the community and experience MSPF from a different perspective. We need the valuable, and incredibly appreciated, help of our volunteers to make this festival the best it can be!   
Check out the volunteer positionsClick here to fill out the volunteer application.
Not sure? Contact Brittany Durphey if you have any questions about volunteering.      


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