Sunday, July 24, 2022

When In Doubt Call It Out: No, Governor Ducey, It Wasn't "Just a Speeding Ticket"

Sometimes one image - or screenshot - can say so much.
This one incident, and moment in time, happened back in October 2019 but we didn't know about it until weeks later. An unintended consequence of AXON body-cams used by a police officer catching Frank Misread "off-duty" driving his attractive blonde fiancé who speaks to the camera to remind the stopping officer who's behind-the-wheel of the car.
Innocent enough? Perhaps

From this blog
06 December 2019
Former Mesa PD Chief Milstead Stopped For Speeding/
Gets A Break When Fiance Tells Deputy "He's the Colonel...He Runs DPS"
Sometimes just getting pulled-over for excessive speeding is more than just another a road-stop - this one tells so much: an incident in October and one prior road-wreck missing some details. Apparently the job as Top Cop in the State of Arizona is hereditary from father-to-son. There's an interesting story farther down about Frank Milstead's father Ralph and his 'funny bone' and 'package'.
Like they say "Guys will be guys" 

Image result for who's the good guy?
The following information is aggregated from a number of sources, including The Guardian. Col. Frank Milstead was stopped by a Yavapai County deputy on October 12 on Interstate 17 in Arizona where the speed limit is 75mph.
In the deputy’s body camera footage, the officer tells Milstead that he was ‘weaving through traffic’ and not using his blinkers.

Milstead calmly provides his identification and paperwork, while his passenger and fiancée, Angela Harrolle, says they were driving to Flagstaff for memorial service for late husband, who was a DPS trooper.
In the video, the woman in the passenger seat identifies herself as Angela Harrolle. She is CEO of the 100 Club, a nonprofit that provides financial assistance to the families of first responders seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.
Harrolle explains they are traveling there to participate in a memorial hike for her late husband, DPS Trooper Bruce Harrolle. He was fatally struck by the rotating blades of a helicopter while assisting with a search-and-rescue mission in 2008. 
Milstead hands license and registration after a stop of speeding but initially did not identify himself to the deputy, who ultimately let him go with a warning  
Milstead said he appreciated getting the break from the officer and apologized for bothering him. 

Outrageous moment Arizona's Director of Public Safety is pulled over for speeding at 90mph - before being LET OFF with just a warning after telling the deputy who he is

  • Col. Frank Milstead was caught speeding at least 15 miles over the limit on Interstate 17 in Arizona on October 12 
  • Body camera footage shows a Yavapai County deputy tell Milstead that he was 'weaving through traffic' and not using his blinkers
  • Milstead, traveling with his fiancée Angela Harolle, didn't initially identify himself, before calling the deputy back to car and providing his credentials
  • 'Pleasure to meet you,' the deputy responded once he was informed about Milstead's job  
  • Milstead shared the video and a series of tweets Wednesday apologizing for the incident two months ago
  • 'This is certainly a regrettable event for me and one for which I will reflect and learn,' Milstead tweeted 

'I don't know if that will help,' Milstead says, as he is seen passing his department identification. 
Try to look believe-able:
Suit-and-Tie Guy > Add Glasses
'He's the colonel,' Harolle adds. 'He runs DPS.'
'Oh!' the deputy says after inspecting what was handed to him. 
'Pleasure to meet you.' 
The deputy then walks backs to his own patrol SUV to run the information. He returns to Milstead's car and hands back his information. The deputy tells him it was a pleasure to meet them.
Milstead then tells the deputy that Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher is "one of my favorite guys." 
'I was sitting here thinking, "Well, one of his guys is about to write me a ticket," Milstead says to the deputy in the video. 'I'm a dumbass. I was going too fast. I got a ticket.' 
"Anyway, I was just kind of smiling because I know he (Mascher) would just bust my balls," Milstead added.
Milstead said he appreciated getting the break from the officer and apologized for bothering him. As they officially introduce themselves, the deputy says he was just 'educating' Milstead. 
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey said Milstead is 'one of the good guys,' and 'even good guys make mistakes.'
At an event in Scottsdale Thursday with U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Ducey added: 'Let those without speeding sin cast the first stone here.'

BRIEF BIO: Source >
On February 10, 2015, Colonel Frank Milstead was selected by Governor Doug Ducey to lead the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS). From 2010-2015, Frank Milstead served as the Chief of Police for the Mesa Police Department and prior to Mesa PD, he served 25-years with the Phoenix Police Department.
Colonel Frank Milstead comes from a law enforcement family; his father Colonel Ralph T. Milstead served as Director of DPS from March 1980 thru July 1989.
Colonel Milstead holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix, and is a graduate of the University of Louisville, Southern Police Institute Chief Executive Leadership Program. 

Image result for frank milstead
Previous highway crash with questionable reports

Frank Milstead, the About-to-Be-Officially-Named Mesa Police Chief, Has Funny Bone

". . . Onetime stand-up comic Milstead will be moving east from the city of Phoenix, where he most recently has been a commander at the Phoenix Police Department. . . Milstead will be stepping into a troubled (politically speaking) burg that has seen its share of bizarre moments in recent years 
We know Frank Milstead to be a cool head who should do just fine at the new gig.
. . .We also knew his late dad, Ralph, a long time ago when the old man was running the Arizona Department of Public Safety and posing for cover photos for this paper that left little to the imagination. (The photo predates our Internet archive, so suffice to say that Director Milstead's "package" was the subject of great discussion around the Valley for weeks to come.)

But he's definitely lived a life. Really, he used to do stand-up comedy back in the day, and an old friend of his tells us Milstead occasionally appeared on stage in his pre-cop years at the old Playboy Club at Central and Thomas. . . "

Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukraine's Future

  Mar 28, 2025 Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukrain...