12 December 2020

Remote ZOOM Streamed Into The Lower Chambers: Mesa Council Study Session Tue 12.08.2020

There's something about one more so-called "study session" that tells so much about about the ongoing operational dysfunction of the sloppy way city government is conducted for public viewing. It's the last chance to ask questions or to make comments on items that were on the Final Agenda for December 15, 2020 - that scheduled date was somehow "scrubbed" off the calendar.
Calling for agenda items! Tips for creating a worthwhile EA meeting - Who's  the real boss | developing administration professionals 
Only two items survived from the previous culling, when outgoing Council member Jeremy Whittaker had to remind Hizzoner John Giles that he made a request last week to take Item *4-k OFF the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
There were only four online comment submitted for Item *6-b "MARIJUANA PROHIBITIONS" .
The rest of the 11:09 "Study Session" is filled with some happy-talk and a well-deserved recognition for Sunny O'Rourke ...but the featured screen-grab with District 4 Jennifer Duff in front of her chosen background of an empty Mesa Town Center tells everything IT'S EMPTY.

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