07 January 2022

Jon Talton: 2022 Year of living dangerously

One more Happy New Year message - Here's the last clinker at the finish:
"Sprawl continues to rule Arizona. It's all based on lies. The groundwater act is supported by fraud, lies, and sleight-of-hand. The "Sun Corridor" is developer language to justify the unsustainable. With "cool concrete" that's not cool. With "shade structures" that provide no shade. But championship golf will continue to be flogged without the champions. More freeways must be built! It's the future! Light rail (WBIYB), commuter rail — those are boondoggles. Or so we're told as the broiler notches up."

Governor Kari Lake? End-stage Kookocracy and entirely possible.

Year of living dangerously


Illustration by Carl Muecke

"Everything that's good is at risk. Everything bad spreads and gets worse. 

It's difficult to avoid that conclusion, from my personal experience to the nation and the world. In Phoenix, Central Methodist Church — the "Mother of Arizona Methodism" for all the other congregations it established — is now just "Central Church." First it took away such comforting staples as the Apostles Creed, then ran out  the choir and excellent music program, shut the inspiring sanctuary and eliminated the traditional service with the glorious hymns — and has only a contemporary "Jesus, Java, and Jazz" service. I know all you smart agnostic and atheist readers don't care. I do.

The city keeps throwing down gravel and pavement, gutting shade trees, landscaping, and grass. It's ahistorical in the natural oasis of central Phoenix and adds to the deadly heat island. Newcomers lecture me that "we live in a desert" and "there's a drought." They don't care that investments in natural cooling such as shade trees keeps that water away from being wasted on more sprawl. I do.

And little indicates it will change in 2022. It will get worse. This is how we live now.

This is an election year and it's hard to see how the Democrats can keep the House or even the Senate. The "woke" far-left extremists in places such as Seattle and Portland make the party an easy target, even though most Democrats aren't extreme. The public has a short memory.

To make things worse, Republican-controlled Legislatures have successfully pushed through a raft of voter suppression measures intended to cement their permanent control of government. Goodbye, experiment in self-government. Hello, Trump in 2024. The Arizona "fraudit" showed how any victory other than that of the GOP will be contested, next time successfully. Democratic victories are de facto illegitimate. And if all else fails, another insurrection will come.

I'd predict the end-game as another Civil War, but the right owns the guns. The left twists its panties over "gun violence" and cowers. . ."

READ  MORE : https://www.roguecolumnist.com/rogue_columnist/2022/01/year-of-living-dangerously.html

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