Friday, May 13, 2022

MID-AIR PLANE SWAP STUNT FAIL IN ARIZONA | Report by Ron Dicker via HuffPost

2 thrill-seeking Dare-Devil cousins attempted to fly their planes to 12,000 feet and then skydive to swap their plummeting aircraft and land them.

FAA Revokes Pilot Licenses After Midair Plane Swap Stunt. See Why.

Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington were cited for recklessness after the nosedive stunt, which resulted in a crash.

"Pilots who tried to swap planes in midair have been grounded by the Federal Aviation Administration. (Check out the videos below.)

The FAA announced that it revoked the pilot licenses of daredevils Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington for their recklessness in the unauthorized Red Bull-sponsored stunt, USA Today reported Thursday. Hulu livestreamed it on April 24.

The thrill-seeking cousins attempted to fly their planes to 12,000 feet and then skydive to swap their plummeting aircraft and land them.

Aikins accomplished the challenge, but Farrington missed. He deployed his parachute and landed safely while the plane he was supposed to jump into crashed into the desert floor in Eloy, Arizona.

Aikins acknowledged on Instagram last month that the FAA had rejected his request to allow the stunt, but he went ahead with it anyway without telling his team.

A Red Bull spokesperson told The New York Times the matter was between the pilots and the FAA. The paper couldn’t reach either pilot.



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