Saturday, June 04, 2022

NO THANKS (I Decline) Event Invitation: Justin Olson for U.S. Senate Meet & Greet

Looks like JO aspires to national political life after his time-served on the Arizona Corporation Commission... He's the loose contender in an already crowded Far-Right Republican field that Includes Arizona State Attorney General Brnovich and Trump-endorsed venture capitalist Blake Masters and others in the race to challenge incumbent Arizona Senator Mark Kelly.

Jeremy Olson invited you to Justin Olson for U.S. Senate Meet & Greet
Let Jeremy know if you can make it.
Tell him you're going
Justin Olson for U.S. Senate Meet & Greet
Monte and Diane Gardiner invite you to a candidate forum. Come meet and greet Justin Olson, candidate for U.S. Senate. Come learn about Justin's plan to defend our Constitution, defeat Mark Kelly and regain Republican control of the Senate.
ImageFriday, June 3, 2022 at 7 PM
ImageMonte & Diane Gardiner Home: 5102 W Park View Ln Glendale, AZ 85203
ImageSee invite list
GoingMaybeNot Going


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