Friday, August 19, 2022

QUIRKY KYRSTEN SINEMA: Steve Rattner, 'The New Tax Bill Doesn't Touch the Wealthy'

Let's get real - when the freshman Arizona Democrat patterned herself after iconoclastic Republican John McCain, what did she do? 

She helped block what would have been the first increase in the federal minimum wage since 2009.

About-face the new Inflation Reduction Act -- "Yet without trouble from one intransigent Democratic senator + a significant political misjudgement by the Biden administration, we would have had an even more consequential package." 

✓ Here's how muddled Ms. Sinema's logic is -+ scroll down and read the Opinion Piece 

✓ . . . "With Mr. BIDEN's popularity at a low ebb and Democrats expected to lose control of at least the House in November, we've blown the chance for an even greater transformational legislation. 

It was a missed opportunity of extraordinary scale. 

✓Opinion | The New Tax Bill Doesn't Touch the Wealthy - The New York Times › 2022/08/19 › opinion

5 hours ago · Without one intransigent Democratic senator and a significant political misjudgment by the Biden administration, we would have had an even ... 




Steven Rattner on Twitter: "Another giveaway by Sinema to the private equity industry. What do they have on her? I would never give her another $$." / Twitter › SteveRattner › status 

✓ Related content on this blog 


1 February 2021 (excerpt)

". . .Let's skip the AZ State House for the time being and get to surprising rifts in Democratic Party unity - two "hold-outs", one a man and one a woman, Kirsten Sinema (who's the only Congress member openly declared as bisexual).
This is not about gender-orientation > she's come out against pending legislation to establish a federal $15 per hour minimum wage.

The article reference is from Politico published 02.12,2021 and makes the statement the 44-year old Democrat is one of the most quirky and interesting members of the stodgy Senate

The most influential Democrat you never hear from

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