Sunday, August 28, 2022

GO FIGURE..Toxic Man-Made Environment, Extreme Heat & A Water Shortage Crisis


A new report says Arizona is the worst state to live in. Why?

A new report by CNBC looked at factors like air quality, health care and crime rates when determining the best and worst places to live

Why Arizona? The American Lung Association says that Arizona has some of the worst air quality in the U.S., with some areas experiencing 39 high ozone days per year, per CNBC.

  • Phoenix, Arizona, ranked seventh for year-round particle pollution and 10th for short term particle pollution in 2020, according to IQAir.
  • CNBC reports that Arizona also has a poor health care system compared to the rest of the country, with a shortage of staff and hospital beds. The state also spends $79 per person on public health, which is one of the lowest rates in the country.

  • Arizona has a Life, Health & Inclusion Score of 67 out of 325 points, which translates as a grade F, according to CNBC.
  • The state is also placed at the bottom due to its air quality, health resources, inclusiveness and crime.

Yes, but: Although CNBC ranks the state last, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that Arizona is one of the fastest-growing states in the country, placing third in numeric growth in 2020.

  • Arizona is also known for some of the country’s most remarkable outdoor attractions, such as the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and the Hoover Dam, according to Visit Arizona.

Vox Report today: Does this defy logic or something that needs an explanation

Unusually high temperatures, local weather and international ozone transport patterns contributed to high ozone concentrations in Maricopa County 

This bears repeating: Faced with growing costs from extreme weather disasters and the certain reality of a warmer and more disrupted future, Americans have been responding by not only moving toward riskier areas, but also moving away from safer ones.

Americans keep moving to where the water isn’t

People are still flocking to Sunbelt regions where the housing is cheaper and plentiful — but climate change and extreme weather are worsening.

Aug 28, 2022, 7:00am 

Leading the way in growth was Maricopa County in Arizona, home to Phoenix, a desert metropolis that receives more sunshine than any other major city on Earth — and averages more than 110 days with highs of at least 100°F. Average temperatures in Phoenix are already 2.5°F hotter than they were in the middle of the last century, which helps explain why there were 338 heat-associated deaths last year in Maricopa County.

Despite that — and despite worse to come — the population in Maricopa increased by 14 percent over the last decade, to nearly 4.5 million people. A similar pattern is at work in states like Florida and South Carolina that experience high storm and flood risk, or in states like Colorado and Idaho that face major wildfire risk. Altogether, according to an analysis from the real-estate site Redfin, the 50 US counties with the largest share of homes facing high climate and extreme weather risk all experienced positive net migration on average between 2016 and 2020. 

REPEAT ------- Despite that — and despite worse to come — the population in Maricopa increased by 14 percent over the last decade, to nearly 4.5 million people. A similar pattern is at work in states like Florida and South Carolina that experience high storm and flood risk, or in states like Colorado and Idaho that face major wildfire risk. Altogether, according to an analysis from the real-estate site Redfin, the 50 US counties with the largest share of homes facing high climate and extreme weather risk all experienced positive net migration on average between 2016 and 2020.

Americans move for climate, not climate change

What should we take away from this?


These stark before-and-after satellite photos show the Western megadrought from space

‘We’ve known for literally decades that climate change is going to affect water availability in the Colorado [River] and in the Western U.S. in general. And we’ve wasted that time.’

One, while Americans do care about climate change, when it comes to the major decisions they make, it tends to rank far down on national priorities. . . 

. . What the fast-growing cities of the Southwest have going for them is just that: growth. That means more jobs and a better chance at economic mobility, all while paying much less for housing than in high-wage cities on the coast. For many Americans, that’s worth the trade-off of worsening heat waves and other extreme weather.

One last thing: Americans apparently just prefer it hot. A 2009 survey from Pew Research found that 57 percent of Americans preferred to live in a warmer climate, compared to 29 percent who preferred a colder one. And the rise of remote work is only likely to give more people the ability to pick where they want to live.

More housing or more climate migrants

I doubt we’re going to slake Americans’ apparent thirst for as much sunshine as possible. (Though, honestly, as someone who prefers it at least chilly, you can keep your Phoenix weather.) But unless we want a future where ever more people are in the path of ever greater climate change and weather disruptions, we’ll need to make it less expensive to live in places that aren’t subject to heat waves or droughts or wildfires.

California is one example. The state’s horrific wildfires have been producing climate migrants in recent years, in part because the fires can consume whole towns, and in part because there’s no real way to adapt to the constant threat of smoke and destruction.

Yet people keep moving to wildfire-prone areas of the state — and often staying even after a fire destroys their home — in part because the perennially restricted housing supply in the state makes it virtually impossible to live anywhere else. A report last year found that between 1990 and 2010, half of all new homes constructed in California were built in the wildland-urban interface, the zone most vulnerable to wildfire risk, in part because anti-development regulations elsewhere simply make it easier and cheaper to build there.

Fighting climate change first and foremost means reducing carbon emissions, but it will also require decades of adaptation — and that includes housing policies that can steer people away from those parts of the country that are already at risk by making it cheaper to live in safe areas.

This doesn’t mean that Americans can’t or shouldn’t ever move to hot, dry places in the country. In their own way, desert metropolises only exist because of technological adaptations to their extreme climates — population growth only truly took off in the Sunbelt after the advent of air conditioning in the second half of the 20th century. But continuing that growth in a hotter and drier 21st century will require much more than just massive AC units.

Cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas have taken major steps to get more use out of less water, banking aquifers, reducing waste, and recycling wastewater. In Phoenix, total water use is actually less than it was in the early 2000s, even as its population has continued to grow, and the average resident used 29 percent less water in 2019 than in 1990. Southern Nevada as well has reduced overall water use even while adding hundreds of thousands of people.

It won’t be easy, though, and the more extreme climate conditions become, the more difficult it is to adapt. Lake Powell and Lake Mead — the two biggest artificial reservoirs in the US, which help supply water to 40 million people — are now at just around 27 percent of capacity. Poorer residents are less able to afford the air conditioning that can make desert heat bearable, while agriculture — which accounts for the vast majority of water consumption in the American West — will keep draining dwindling supplies.

If we’re truly going to adapt to extreme weather, we’ll need to make climate havens cheaper and more attractive. And if you’re in the market for a move, give Buffalo a thought! It has new apartments, new jobs, even new people, along with something that will become increasingly rare in the future: snow.

A version of this story was initially published in the Future Perfect newsletter. Sign up here to subscribe!

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