15 December 2022

Year-End 2022 Mesa City Council

City Council 12/8/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:45 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available
City Council Study Session 12/8/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:15 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available

Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/8/2022 5:15 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Lower Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
22-1575 2-aAppointmentAppointments to the 2050 General Plan Citizen Advisory Committee and the Historic Preservation, Parks & Recreation, and Personnel Appeals Boards.   Not available
22-1595 3-aMinutesPublic Safety Committee meeting held on October 27, 2022.   Not available


Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/8/2022 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
22-1568 2MinutesApproval of minutes of previous meetings as written.   Not available
22-1562 3-aLiquor License ApplicationNello’s Pizza A restaurant is requesting a new Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar License for The Original Nello’s Pizza Numero Uno LLC, 2950 South Alma School Road, Suite 15 - 18; Daniel Wayne Vance, agent. This is an ownership transfer. The existing license held by Nello’s 2 Inc. will revert to the State for modification. (District 3)   Not available
22-1563 3-bLiquor License ApplicationPapago by Huss Brewing A craft brewery is requesting a new Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar License for Papago by Huss Brewing LLC, 1033 North Dobson Road, Suite 104; Camila Alarcon, agent. The existing license held by J Rowe Enterprises LLC will remain inactive until sold or transferred to a different location. (District 3)   Not available
22-1564 3-cLiquor License ApplicationCrawfish Café A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for Crawfish Café Mesa LLC, 28 South Dobson Road, Suite 101; Jeffrey Craig Miller, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 3)   Not available
22-1594 3-dLiquor License ApplicationEl Pacifico A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for El Pacifico AZ LLC, 1911 West Broadway Road Suite 1 - 4; Jeffrey Craig Miller, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 3)   Not available
22-1593 3-eLiquor License ApplicationGeorgia Leadership Foundation, Inc. This is a one-day event to be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023, from 12:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at Riverview Park, 2100 West Rio Salado Parkway. (District 3)   Not available
22-1440 4-aContractDollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Brigade Driving and Safety Solution for the Solid Waste Department (Citywide) The Department is requesting to purchase cellular access to our existing Brigade system for Years 3, 4 and 5. This would allow supervisors and management to review individuals and incidents that occur within the refuse trucks while the trucks are still in service, and in real-time. The Solid Waste Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Mountain Regional Equipment Solutions, Inc., Year 3 by $70,300, from $125,000 to $195,300 annually; and Years 4 and 5 by $63,300, from $50,000 to $113,300 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1560 4-bContractFive-Year Term Master Contract with Five Years of Renewal Options for Recycling Processing and Marketing Services for the Solid Waste Department (Citywide) This contract will provide services related to recycling processing operations including receiving, sorting, processing, storing, marketing, and selling recyclable materials. The multi-agency contract increases market leverage and provides the municipalities with cost savings and increased revenues on recyclables. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored vendor proposals from Allied Waste Transportation Inc., dba Republic Services Inc., and United Fibers LLC at $1,455,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1535 4-cContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Badging Supplies for the Police Department (Citywide) This contract will provide security badging supplies for the Police Department, Security Services. The Badging Office is responsible for printing identification badges for all City employees, temporary employees, volunteers, and contractors. City policy requires anyone functioning on behalf of the City of Mesa to be issued an official photo ID displayed while on City property. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposal from Bender Associates, Inc. at $145,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1559 4-dContractUse of a Cooperative Contract for the Purchase of Grappler Immobilization Devices and Related Equipment and Training for Police Vehicles for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) This purchase will provide 24 Grappler immobilization bumper kits, 48 training nets, related equipment, and training for Police vehicles being purchased by the Department. The Grappler Police Bumper is an arresting device that is used to stop vehicle pursuits. The Police and Fleet Services Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.)/City of Tempe cooperative contract with Stock Enterprises, LLC., Year 1 and initial purchase at $190,000, based on estimated requirements; and Years 2 through 4 at $20,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1539 4-eContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Electric Utility Distribution Transformers for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Energy Resources Department) (Citywide) This contract will establish a list of qualified vendors who will respond to quotes for electric utility distribution transformers, as needed. These transformers are required to provide electrical service to new and upgraded commercial and residential services, as well as routine lifecycle replacements. A committee representing the Business Services and Energy Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the qualified proposals from Border States Industries, Inc., dba Border States Electric Supply; and WEG Transformers USA, LLC at $3,262,500 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1542 4-fContractDollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Office Supplies and Products (Citywide) This contract is for the purchase of miscellaneous office supplies and products, to include, paper, toner and inkjet cartridges, batteries, safety supplies, promotional products, breakroom supplies, office equipment, and furniture. The limit increase is required to accommodate the furniture needs of several upcoming relocation projects including, Mesa Family Advocacy Center, Economic Development, and Police Department Evidence. The Engineering and Business Services Departments and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Wist Business Supplies & Equipment by $1,000,000 for Year 3, from $1,050,000 to $2,050,000.   Not available
22-1547 4-gContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Commercial Grade Fitness Equipment for the Fire and Medical, Police, and Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Departments (Citywide) This contract will provide commercial-grade fitness equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, and other cardiovascular and weight equipment. The fitness equipment will be purchased for department facilities and for fitness areas at public recreation centers. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposal from Fitness 4 Home Superstore, Inc., dba Commercial Fitness Superstore at $235,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.   Not available
22-1553 4-hContractUse of a Cooperative Contract for Monument Signage Lighting Replacement for the Transportation Department (District 6) The LED lighting systems on the monument lighting along the Elliott Tech Corridor, between Ellsworth and Signal Butte Roads, have been failing in recent years. After several attempts to repair the lighting the recommendation is to replace the lighting in this monument signage. The Transportation Department, Engineering Department, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the contract using the Strategic for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.)/City of Peoria cooperative contract with YESCO LLC at $100,000.   Not available
22-1565 4-iContractMesa City Hall Project - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (District 4) This GMP No. 1 is to minimize cost escalation and procurement delays. The scope includes mock-ups of concrete treatments and curtain wall sections; shop drawings for steel, elevator, curtain wall and terracotta materials; and procurement of steel, elevator and terracotta materials, as well as physical security appurtenances. Staff recommends awarding a construction services contract to the CMAR, Okland Construction, in the amount of $1,400,000 (GMP), and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $98,000 (7%), for a total amount of $1,498,000. This project is funded by The Capital General Fund.   Not available
22-1511 4-jContractIntelligent Transportation System (ITS) Video Detection Upgrades (Citywide) This project consists of ITS improvements that replace video detection cameras that have reached the end of their service life. The scope includes the procurement, testing, and installation of new video detection camera equipment at 51 locations throughout the City of Mesa. This new equipment will ensure that the City of Mesa can continue to operate traffic signals efficiently to move traffic safely and smoothly. Staff recommends awarding a contract for this project to the lowest responsible bidder, CS Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,367,269, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $236,726.90 (10%), for a total amount of $2,603,995.90. The funding for this project includes a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant capped at $2,262,533 (94.3% of eligible construction costs), a local funding match of $136,760 (5.7% of eligible construction costs), and the remaining project costs funded with Local Street Sales Tax.   Not available
22-1576 5-aResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Fifth Amendment to the Mesa Proving Grounds Pre-annexation and Development Agreement with DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, and related Easement Agreements with the Eastmark Community Alliance, Inc. for property within the Eastmark development. (District 6)   Not available
22-1584 5-bResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Addendum to the Amended and Restated Community Maintenance Agreement between the City of Mesa and the Eastmark Community Alliance, Inc. for Phase 4 of the Great Park. (District 6)   Not available
22-1582 5-cResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Phoenix and various partnering agencies within Maricopa County for the distribution of $143,150 in grant funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. The funds will be used towards an Enterprise Asset and Inventory Management System for the Police Department. (Citywide)   Not available
22-1516 5-dResolutionExtinguishing a portion of a water and sewer line easement located at 4559 South Power Road to accommodate the construction of a commercial-industrial building for commercial and indoor recreational uses; requested by the property owner. (District 6)   Not available
22-1523 5-eResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chandler, Town of Gilbert, City of Tempe, and the Town of Queen Creek for the sharing of law enforcement information between jurisdictions. (Citywide)   Not available
22-1533 5-fResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Lease Agreement with the Downtown Mesa Association for the City-owned property and improvements located at 100 North Center Street. (District 4)   Not available
22-1525 6-aOrdinanceANX22-01048 “Sossaman Road Right-of-Way De-Annexation” (District 6) Ordinance de-annexing public right-of-way to Maricopa County located within the 4200 to 4400 blocks of South Sossaman Road (1.2± acres), subject to approval by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The de-annexation of public right-of-way is allowed pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-471.03. In 2021, 101+ acres of land were annexed into the City, including the land that is the subject of this proposed de-annexation ordinance. Since 2021, Maricopa County has determined that it needs an additional 32 feet of right-of-way in the area, specifically for Sossaman Road. This de-annexation is to accommodate Maricopa County’s right-of-way requirements.   Not available
22-1252 7-aOrdinanceZON21-00080 (District 5) Within the 3600 to 3800 blocks of North Higley Road (east side) and the 5200 to 5500 blocks of East Thomas Road (south side). Located east of Higley Road on the south side of Thomas Road (11± acres). Rezone from Single Residence 90 (RS-90) to Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development Overlay and Council Use Permit (LI-PAD-CUP), and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a boat and recreational vehicle storage facility. Russell Skuse, Horrocks Engineers, applicant; R&S Development Group LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) For continuance to the January 9, 2023 City Council meeting.   Not available
22-1529 7-bResolutionA resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with R&S Development Group, LLC, on approximately 10 acres of land located within the 3600 to 3800 blocks of North Higley Road (east side) and the 5200 to 5500 blocks of Thomas Road (south side), regarding sewer line improvements and the temporary use of a private wastewater system for the Project. (District 5) For continuance to the January 9, 2023 City Council meeting.   Not available
22-1503 8-aOrdinanceAn ordinance amending Mesa City Code Title 11 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapters 6, 7, 8, 31, 58, and 86 pertaining to Outdoor Eating Areas. The amendments include but are not limited to: repealing in its entirety Section 11-31-19 (Outdoor Eating Areas) and replacing it with a new Section 11-31-19 (Outdoor Eating Areas); modifying land use tables pertaining to Outdoor Eating Areas; and modifying the definition for Outdoor Eating Areas. (Citywide) Staff Recommendation: Adoption P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption (Vote: 7-0)   Not available
22-1504 8-bOrdinanceAn ordinance amending Mesa City Code Title 11 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 24, 30, 31, 58, 69, 70, 86, and 87 pertaining to Temporary Uses, Outdoor Display, Site Plans, and Special Events. The amendments include, but are not limited to: repealing in its entirety Section 11-31-20 (Outdoor Retail Sales) and replacing it with a new Section 11-31-20 (Outdoor Display); repealing in its entirety Section 11-31-30 (Temporary Uses: Swap Meets And Farmer’s Markets) and replacing it with a new Section 11-31-30 (Temporary Uses); repealing in its entirety Section 11-70-4 (Temporary Use Permit) and replacing it with a new Section 11-70-4 (Temporary Use Permit); modifying land use tables pertaining to Schools, Temporary Uses, Accessory Uses, Outdoor Display, Outdoor Storage, Portable Storage, Warehousing and Storage, Recycling Facilities, and Manufactured Home Parks and Subdivisions; modifying the definition for Special Events; adding new definitions for Temporary Outdoor Entertainment, Temporary Outdoor Sales, Temporary Use Permit, and Outdoor Display; and making minor cleri   Not available
22-1527 9-aSubdivision PlatSUB22-00316 “Metro Mesa Phase II” (District 4) Within the 1700 to 1900 block of South Horne (west side), the 1800 to 800 block of East Auto Center Drive (south side), and the 1800 to 1900 block of South Hobson (east side). Located north of Baseline Road and east of Mesa Drive. (20± acres). Physical Resource Engineering, applicant; Geoffrey K. Brimhall, surveyor.   Not available
22-1528 9-bSubdivision PlatSUB22-00577 “Hopewell Mesa” (District 4) Within the 800 block of east Baseline Road (north side), and within the 800 block of east Javelina Avenue (south side). Located west of Stapley Drive on the north side of Baseline Road. (3.6± acres). Physical Resource Engineering, developers; Joseph R. Hughes, surveyor.   Not available
22-1269 10-aOrdinanceZON22-00431 “Millennium Superstition Springs” (District 2) Within the 5700 to 5900 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side), within the 1800 to 1900 blocks of South Sunview (west side), and within the 5700 to 5900 blocks of East Inverness Avenue (south side). Located west of Recker Road on the north side of Baseline Road (10± acres). Rezone from Planned Employment Park with Planned Area Development overlay and Council Use Permit (PEP-PAD-CUP) to Multiple Residence 5 with a Planned Area Development overlay (RM-5-PAD) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multiple residence development. Charles Huellmantel, Huellmantel & Affiliates, applicant; VHS Acquisition Subsidiary Number 11, INC., owner. Staff Recommendation: Denial P&Z Board Recommendation: A motion to recommend denial resulted in a split vote of 3-3   Not available


icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAgendaMinutesVideo
Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing 12/14/2022 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Not available
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session 12/14/2022 Export to iCalendar 3:30 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Not available
Design Review Board 12/13/2022 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available
City Council 12/8/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:45 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available
City Council Study Session 12/8/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:15 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available
Board of Adjustment Public Hearing 12/7/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Not available
Board of Adjustment Study Session 12/7/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Not available
Historic Preservation Board 12/6/2022 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Not available
City Council 12/1/2022 Export to iCalendar 5:45 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Minutes Minutes Video Video
City Council Study Session 12/1/2022 Export to iCalendar 4:45 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Video Video
Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee 12/1/2022 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Lower Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Results Results Not available


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