11 September 2023

Zelensky --- A Former Television Actor (with an acute sense of his audience) Has Detected A Mood-Change among Some of His Partners

The Ukrainian leader said he is “morally” ready for a long war with Russia, but this will require the country to switch to a “totally militarized economy.”

EU nations may face anger from Ukrainian refugees if aid to Kiev dwindles, the president warns

11 Sep, 2023 12:34

If Western nations do not maintain their assistance to Kiev, they could face defeats at the ballot box and trouble from the millions of Ukrainian refugees they host, President Vladimir Zelensky has warned.

In an interview with The Economist, Zelensky complained about weakening support from senior Western officials, which he claimed to have seen in their eyes during meetings. 
“I see that he or she is not here, not with us” contrary to spoken assurances, he said, according to the interview published on Sunday.
According to Zelensky, failure to support Ukraine amounts to siding with Russia in the conflict, which escalated into open hostilities in February 2022.
“If partners do not help us, it means they will help Russia to win,” he stated.

Zelensky believes that Western voters will not forgive their leaders if they “lose Ukraine.” Further trouble may also come from the millions of Ukrainian refugees now residing in foreign nations. They have generally “behaved well,” but if the hosts “drive these people into a corner,” the end result will not be “a good story” for Europe, the president added.

The Ukrainian leader said he is “morally” ready for a long war with Russia, but this will require the country to switch to a “totally militarized economy.”
He added that now is “a bad moment” for peace talks with Russia, due to the lackluster battlefield progress over the three months of Kiev’s summer ‘counteroffensive’. Moscow has estimated Ukrainian losses during the push at over 66,000 troops and 7,600 heavy weapons.
The Economist noted that the Zelensky government had built up expectations for the offensive, but now he is “carefully adjusting his message to reality.” 
The Ukrainian president also appeared to take credit for the drone attacks deep inside Russian territory, which Kiev formally refuses to claim as its own. Explaining his strategy, he said public support for the Russian government will fall “because our drones will land.”
In a “long war,” Moscow will lose regardless of how the Russians feel because the Russian economy will fail, he added.
The Russian government expects the economy to grow by 2.5% or more in 2023. Recent forecasts by the World Bank and the IMF have upgraded their predictions for Russia due to strong industrial production and higher-than-expected energy revenues.
They will start asking what the whole effort was for. “People will not forgive [their leadersif they lose Ukraine.” If Mr Putin hopes that a ...
Reddit · Зе!Президент · 16 hours ago
I am emotionally ready," says the Ukrainian president in an interview with ... "People will not forgive their leaders if they lose Ukraine," ...
Слободен печат · Слободна ТВ / Slobodna TV · 4 hours ago
volodymyr zelensky does not want to think about a long war, let alone talk about the possibility to Ukrainians, many of whom still dream of winning fast. But that is precisely what he is preparing for. “I have to be ready, my team has to be ready for the long war, and emotionally I am ready,” Ukraine’s president says in an interview with The Economist
  • Speaking on the margins of the yes conference, an international pow-wow in Kyiv, he is calm, composed and sombre. 
  • At the same setting a year ago, the mood was electric and euphoric; news of Ukrainian forces’ success in pushing Russia back from the Kharkiv region was pinging on every smartphone in the room.
This year, the atmosphere is very different. 
  • Three months into its counter-offensive, Ukraine has made only modest progress along the all-important southern axis in the Zaporizhia region, where it is trying to sever Vladimir Putin’s “land bridge” from Russia to Crimea. 
  • The question of how long that will take, or whether it will succeed, weighs on the minds of Western leaders. 
  • They still talk the good talk, pledging that they will stand with Ukraine “as long as it takes”. 
  • But Mr Zelensky, a former television actor with an acute sense of his audience, has detected a change of mood among some of his partners.
READ MORE: Ukraine

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