26 November 2023

HFX 2023: Plenary 2 - Victory in Ukraine = Message to the CRINKs ((China/Russia/Iran/ North Korea))


Halifax International Security Forum 2023 http://halifaxtheforum.org/
YouTube · Halifax International Security Forum · 1 week ago


REPORT FROM Halifax International Security Forum

US to deploy new land-based missiles, Army’s Pacific commander says 

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia—Next year, U.S. Army Forces Pacific will deploy new intermediate-range missiles to the region as part of its efforts to deter China from invading Taiwan, its commander said Saturday.
These will include a limited number of land-based Tomahawks and SM-6s, Gen. Charles Flynn told reporters at the Halifax International Security Forum here. 
“We have tested them and we have a battery or two of them today,” Flynn said. “In [20]24. We intend to deploy that system in your region. I'm not going to say where and when. But I will just say that we will deploy them.”
The U.S. Army's Role in the Pacific Theater: A Panel Discussion with  General Charles A. Flynn | RAND
The deployment of land-based Tomahawks, whose variants can range up to 2,500 kilometers, was forbidden under the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty until the U.S. withdrew in 2019, citing Russian non-compliance. , .
A final factor affecting the likelihood of a near-term invasion is the success of China’s influence and information operations, especially upon Taiwan’s upcoming January elections.
“They have to win the information war,” he said. “The U.S. has to be seen as a declining power and unreliable and they are seen as a reliable and ascending power and they have to win that war.” 
Vincent Chao, a top Taiwanese official stationed in Washington, said these ongoing operations have three parts: “disinformation, disinformation, and disinformation.”
“They know that military actions, economic actions, ultimately backfire,” Chao, a member of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party, said at Halifax. “So what we'll focus on right now is spreading disinformation within our societies that focus on one thing: undermining support for this current administration. Now they have a finger on the scale. I mean, they have one desired outcome in this election.”

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