Tuesday, October 29, 2024

BREITBART Revels in Demise of Establishment Media Election Narrative Control

The establishment media’s control over framing the election narrative is “shattered,” Axios’s Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen acknowledged Monday.

Axios Admits Establishment Media Lost Control of Election Narrative

by Wendell Husebø
28 Oct 2024
The report confirms Gallup polling that shows Americans’ trust in the media is at an all-time low. For years, the media has pushed false narratives that involved Hunter Biden’s laptop story, Russian collusion, the source of the 2020 pandemic, the January 6 investigation, and numerous other hoaxes.

Breitbart News’s John Nolte catalogued this list of media hoaxes:

The establishment media’s “dominance in narrative- and reality-shaping in presidential elections shattered in 2024,” due to the rise of alternative media in the era of new technology, streaming services, podcasts, and the liberated platform of X, VandeHei and Allen reported: _________________________________"


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