Wednesday, October 30, 2024

World Economic Forum Enters Exponential Age >> AMGFC24: The Nexus of Innovation

Major forces reshaping the global landscape: 
“We’ve witnessed a conflation of fundamental changes across society, environment, and economics, leading to a transformation in structure, driven by AI and demographic shifts. 
While the conversation is future-oriented, we must ask ourselves: what future do we want to achieve?”
Danny Quah, Dean and Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, highlighted the urgency in tackling fundamental issues arising from economic tensions: 
“The world today is contested by bread-and-butter issues that extend beyond traditional war zones. Even in places without conflict, there are deep tensions – notably around economic and environmental shocks. Historically, despite ideological differences, the belief was that economics would hold the world together, but that idea is now being undermined. This disconnect between policy and daily life is critical, and we have yet to effectively address it.”



Description of AMGFC24: The Nexus of Innovation

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution advances, foundational technology domains are converging to create new opportunities. In addition to their breakthrough potential, the simultaneous development of quantum, robotics, AI and more are accelerating mutual advancements.
What are the driving forces behind this convergence and how can organizations position themselves strategically within it for future growth?

This is the full audio from a session at the Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils 2024 in Dubai on 17 Oct, 2024. 

Watch it here:


  1. Chantal Shen, Chief Scientist, Synthetic Biology, BGI Research
  2. Hoda Al Khzaimi, Director, Centre for Cybersecurity, New York University Abu Dhabi
  3. Freeke Heijman, Founder and CEO
  4. Azeem Azhar, Chief Executive Officer, Exponential View

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