23 October 2024

PC World Latest News

PCWorld is dedicated to helping tech users of all experience levels get more from the hardware and software that’s central to a PC-centric universe. We focus on:

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Chrome 130’s first patch fixes three high-risk security flaws

The first security update for Chrome 130 fixes a few high-risk security vulnerabilities.
By Frank Ziemann and Joel Lee
Oct 23, 2024 11:19 am PDT
Google Chrome logo in the center of an abstract architectural spiral
Image: Aron Van de Pol / Unsplash, Google

This article originally appeared on our sister publication PC-WELT and was translated and localized from German.

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Ukraine’s Quest for Justice: A Conversation with Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin

  (Streamed live on Sep 26, 2023) #foreignpolicy #CarnegieEndowment 967 views • Streamed live on Sep 26, 2023 • #foreignpolicy #CarnegieE...