Monday, March 10, 2025

Visual Capitalist: Active Military Personnel

 May be a graphic of 1 person, map and text that says 'Across Active Military Personnel NATO Plus Russia and Ukraine 37K 23K + 20K Dermark 器 42K lungary 200 France 81K Romania Romania 25K Belgjium 8K 184K UK 23K รำนขิา 7K 143K Greece 166K Italy 355K Türkiye 28K + 24K 182K Germany 133K Spain 68K Canada 1.5M Russia 41K Nethertands 14K Croata 24K Sweden Latda 202K Poland 24K 2K 1.3M U.S. 880K Ukraine Icelandi the only NATOmemberwi NATOm Omember without standingarmy army'

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