15 March 2019

Catching-Up: Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 07 March 2019 @ 07:30 am

Former mayor Scott Smith, now President/CEO of Valley Metro, says he's almost here "by accident" this morning . . . been let's not go there all about that. He's up early, with two assistants to explain any questions or provide answers he can't make up.
This is the study session that lasts for about an hour-and-a-half to explain some of the mysteries about Valley Metro that most people don't know.
Living inside The Donut Hole? Follow along and see what Mesa City Councilmembers have to say if Valley Metro impacts their districts at all.
Ten years after it started - and how many million$$$$$$ of dollars later - there are still glaring gaps in "the seamless public transit system". It's not yet and probably never will be a regional transportation network
QUESTION: Is this really the transportation of the future?

Please Note: at the time of uploading to this blog post there were only 28 views, no likes or no dislikes and no comments and no public chat.


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