05 March 2019

Approved Minutes Mesa City Council Regular Meeting 25 Feb 2019

A change of focus here:
You might have missed this - and that's way-too-easy-to-do -  when one of the most vital and important elements in representative democracy appears infrequently and sadly ever seen in here at Mesa City Council study sessions or meetings.
Regular Council Meeting February 25, 2019 Pages 1-8 
9.  Items from citizens present 
Roger Carlin, a Mesa resident, commented that he has over 45 years of experience specific to aviation including working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on flight patterns. 
He stated the opinion that he is opposed to the project to build homes west of Recker Road, due to the fact that the extended centerline of the Falcon Field runway will bisect the parcels and create noise complaints and safety hazards. 
He pointed out that helicopters have a one-mile buffer and the homes will be in the buffer zone according to the agreement established over 30 years ago. 
He requested Council consider the park plan that was proposed 20 years ago and disapprove the homes to be built on Recker Road.     
Verl Farnsworth, a Mesa resident, reported that the purchase of the land at Thomas and Recker Roads was for a public park. 
> He emphasized the overall safety and keeping open spaces for citizens. 
> He requested Council provide information regarding the changes that occurred to move the project forward.
Blogger Note: Mr. Farnsworth has appeared a number of times recently to keep city government open, transparent and accountable but you can see by the following remarks in approved minutes from  last week that it's a tough and challenging thing to do:
The response from City Officials:
1. Mayor Giles remarked that information on the Thomas and Recker Roads Public Auction is on Mesa’s website. 
2. Deputy City Manager Kari Kent clarified that citizens go on
www.mesaaz.gov and search land auctions to locate the information
City Council Meeting - 2/25/2019

1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
8-a Approving the First Substantial Amendment to the City of Mesa Annual Action Plan for FY 2018/2019 and authorizing the City Manager to amend, sign, and submit the First Substantial Amendment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (Citywide)
The Amendment will provide: (A) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funding to the City of Mesa eligible activities for A New Leaf ($65,000), Ability 360 ($50,000), Heat Sync Labs ($22,190), House of Refuge ($10,000), Mesa United Way ($283,482) NEDCO COHOOTS ($100,000), Oakwood Creative Care ($85,000), Jefferson Park ($55,000), Sojourner Center ($32,680), and United Food Bank ($65,000); (B) CDBG funding in the amount of $250,000 to provide additional funding in support of the completion of East Valley Adult Resources public facilities improvements; and (C) HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funding for the City of Mesa Homeownership Assistance Program ($150,000).
9 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).

File #: 19-0204   

Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2019

Title: 16-Month Term Contract for Walk-In Groceries and Miscellaneous Items for Various City Departments and Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.) Members as requested by the Business Services Department (Citywide) Glendale Elementary School District, as a member of Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures cooperative, acted as the lead agency for this contract. The purpose of establishing these contracts is to allow Citywide departments to purchase groceries and miscellaneous items from multiple local retail vendors within convenient proximity to our facilities. The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Glendale Elementary School District No. 40 cooperative contract with Bashas'; Food City; AJ's Market; Costco; Fry's Food and Drug; Safeway; Sam's Club; and Smart and Final; not to exceed $160,000 through June 30, 2020, based on estimated requirements.
Attachments: 1. Council Report
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2019 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  


File #: 19-0223   

Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2019

Title: Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.
Attachments: 1. February 25, 2019 Regular
Item 5 Contracts
*5-a One-Year Renewal to Term Contract for Office Supplies & Products for Citywide Department and Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures Cooperative Matters
[Approximately 80 agencies currently participate]
$5,500,000 annually
WIST Office Products

*5-c Event/Crowd Security for Mesa Arts Center, Mesa AmpiTheater, and Mesa ConCenter
$100,000 annually
3 highest-scored:
EStaff dba E.Staff Security, In
Pride Group LLC
Total Events and More dba T.E.A.M . Security

Fleet Services:
*5-d Berge Ford $130,000 annually
*5-e Altec Industries $153,393,18

Police Department
*5-g Combined Total $160,233.52
Midway Chevrolet $123,430.53 + Larry H Miller Toyots $36,802.99
*5-h Helicopter Thermal Imaging Systems Service & Repairs $100,000 annually
Stark Aerospace
[In 2016 Council approved upgrade, service and repair of two Israeli Industries thermal imaging systems - one POP 200 and one POP 300] to Stark Aerospace

*5-i Police Records Maangement/Field-Based Reporting Systems
Increase Dollar Limit with Versaterm, Inc. by $1,615,362 from $3,065,307 to$4,680,669

*5-j Replacement Radio/Communications Test Equipment
$72,500 Locus Diagnostics, LLC

Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Fourth Amendment to the Development Agreement and a Second Amendment to License Agreement with Palladium Grid, LLC, to modify certain compliance dates and replace the requirement for construction of a new parking structure with a requirement for development of a courtyard with resident amenities, and place additional requirements on the Developer on the use of the City-owned Pomeroy parking garage, all of which will facilitate the development of the City-owned property generally located at the southwest corner of Main Street and South Pomeroy and 34 South Pomeroy; the development commonly known as The GRID. (District 4) – Resolution No. 11282.
*7-a. ZON18-00862 (District 6) The 8200 to 8500 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located east of South Channing (Hawes Road) alignment on the north side of Baseline Road (69± acres). Rezoning 15± acres from AG to RSL-2.5-PAD incorporating the acreage into the approved 54± acre Baseline Mixed-Use PAD (Z14-021, ZON16-004, ZON17-00326, ZON18-00169 and ZON18-00171); and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the incorporation of additional acreage into an existing PAD to allow for the development of a residential small-lot subdivision. Drew Huseth, AICP, Woodside Homes, applicant; NSHE Powell, LLC, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0)

 8.  Take action on the following resolution: 
  8-a. Approving the First Substantial Amendment to the City of Mesa Annual Action Plan for FY 2018/2019 and authorizing the City Manager to amend, sign, and submit the First Substantial Amendment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (Citywide) 
   The Amendment will provide: (A) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funding to the City of Mesa eligible activities for A New Leaf ($65,000), Ability 360 ($50,000), Heat Sync Labs ($22,190), House of Refuge ($10,000), Mesa United Way ($283,482) NEDCO COHOOTS ($100,000), Oakwood Creative Care ($85,000), Jefferson Park ($55,000), Sojourner Center ($32,680), and United Food Bank ($65,000); (B) CDBG funding in the amount of $250,000 to provide additional funding in support of the completion of East Valley Adult Resources public facilities improvements; and (C) HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funding for the City of Mesa Homeownership Assistance Program ($150,000). – Resolution No. 11285. 
  Councilmembers Heredia and Thompson declared a conflict of interest and will refrain from discussion/consideration of this item

Upon tabulation of votes, it showed: 
 AYES – Giles-Freeman-Duff-Luna-Whittaker  NAYS – None  ABSTAIN – Heredia-Thompson

File #: 19-0223   

Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2019

Title: Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.


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