23 March 2019


 Now after three or more years of wrangling and financing, Mesa ArtSpace Lofts started move-ins back in April 2018. Now we need this: The Nitty Gritty from LISC, Local Initiatives Support Corporation
How to do Creative Placemaking:
Hiring and Contracting Artists: RFPs, Calls for Entry & Commissions
Published on Mar 21, 2019
Views: 1 [your MesaZona blogger] at the time of upload to this blog site
What are different ways to structure opportunities for artists? How might one structure resources, and what scale of resources are appropriate for a creative placemaking program? Where and how can opportunities be shared in order to connect with the appropriate artist for a project? This webinar will discuss how to structure a call, grant, or commission in a way that will yield the kinds of relationships and projects that will help achieve the goals set for a project.