Monday, March 25, 2019

Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Public Hearing Last Week Wed 20 March 2019

Here we go Loop-de-Loop!
We're talkin' here about massive developments in-the-works  mostly in the "Outer Loops" that were up at a Public Hearing last week on Wednesday 20 March 2019 in front of the Mesa Planning & Zoning Board - nothing to get bored about in either the Outer or Outer Loops or the east-west tech corridors and industrial parks on the planning boards. Seriously - Take the time to find out.
Here are all the links you need > Digitize
Two geographic hot spots: Scroll down to see new OZone Redhawk
Northeast Mesa District 5 and Southeast Mesa District 6
There are Minutes available that will take you a long to take a look at - just enough extracted here for your interest.
Yes > new Zones of Opportunity outside of Downtown Mesa Main Street along the line of the Valley Metro Light Rail Central Business Extension.
One named "Gallery Park", a 58±-acre mixed-use development - outside the city limits - to allow multi-residential, commercial entertainment, hotel, and college and commercial trade school uses. The applicant, Vivo Partners LLC, has applied for an annexation (Case# ANX18-00502) to bring the property under the jurisdiction of the City of Mesa.
The benefits of that? Think about it . . . hooking up to all that taxpayer-funded infrastructure already in-place that the developers can capitalize on. GALLERY PARK and the proposed LC-AF-PAD zoning will result in an exciting commercial, employment, and residential regional destination for Mesa and surrounding jurisdictions - that's IF they nail down the annexation and get the financing and of course they could and they just might . . . It does appear-on-paper very exciting in many respects that make Downtown Mesa Main Street pale in comparison to Vivo Partners plans.          
The proposed site plan and plat includes approximately 28 lots laid-out in an efficiently planned mixed use commercial plat with the following uses:
1 movie theater/commercial entertainment, and/or commercial recreation use 
14-16 restaurant/commercial buildings, with approximately 2-5  having vertical mixed use commercial/residential and/or mixed use retail/commercial along the site’s Main Axis 
2 hotels 
4 retail/commercial buildings 
3-4 office/commercial buildings 
1-2 parking structures 
1-2 apartment buildings 
Total Commercial: approx. 654,350 SF 
Total Residential: approx. 449,520 SF
Apartments (SEC of site): 420 units
Mixed use Condos/Lofts (Main Street): 39 units
No video as of Mon 25 March 2019
FIRST UP - and the last two items on this Public Hearing's Agenda
> PZ Zoning: Discuss and Recommend Item 6-a
Council Use Permit to allow multi-residential, commercial entertainment, hotel, and college and commercial trade school uses

File #: PZ 19035   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00775 District 6. Within the 4900 to 5200 blocks of South Power Road (east side). Located south of 202 San Tan Freeway on the east side of Power Road and north of Ray Road. 
(58± acres).
Rezone from AG to LC-AF-PAD; Council Use Permit to allow multi-residential, commercial entertainment, hotel, and college and commercial trade school uses in the AOA 1 and AOA 2 and LC District
Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for a mixed-use development. 
 Vivo Partners, LLC, applicant
Arizona State Land Group, owner.
(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Gallery Park”, associated with item 7-a).
(Continued from February 20, 2019) 
 Planner: Lisa Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Design Guidelines, 5. Narrative, 6. Citizen Participation Plan, 7. Citizen Participation Report, 8. Airport Letter
"Gallery Park"
SITE DATA PARCEL NOS.:   304-30-012E  PARCEL SIZE:   58± acres   EXISTING ZONING:  Maricopa County Designation of Airfield District II (AD-II) and Residential (RU-43) (AG with approval of annexation into the City of Mesa (case # ANX18-00502)
HISTORY/RELATED CASES The site has no City of Mesa case history and currently located outside of the city limits. However, the applicant has applied for an annexation (Case# ANX18-00502) to bring the property under the jurisdiction of the City of Mesa. The planned annexation, if approved, will assign an AG zoning district on the property. Currently, the annexation review is planned to run concurrently with the timeline of the subject request.   
PROJECT DESCRIPTION / REQUEST Approval of the subject request will allow the development of a 58±-acre mixed-use development (i.e.  Gallery Park), that will include multi-residence, offices, commercial, hotels and entertainment uses.  
The PAD overlay requests is to modify certain development standards of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO).  The proposed modifications include reductions in certain required setbacks, increase in maximum height of structures and reduction in parking standards.  All the modifications are identified in Table 1 of this report.

ZONING: The request includes rezoning the 58± acre property from Agriculture (AG) to Limited Commercial (LC)Airfield (AF)-Planned Area Development (PAD). Per Section 11-6-1 of the MZO, the purpose of the LC district is to provide areas for indoor retail, entertainment and service-oriented businesses.   
GALLERY PARK is a unique, mixed use development on roughly 40 net acres, located on the east side of Power Road, between the 202 Santan Freeway and Ray Road in southeast Mesa
GALLERY PARK and the proposed LC-AF-PAD zoning will result in an exciting commercial, employment, and residential regional destination for Mesa and surrounding jurisdictions.  The proposed development, designed by the well recognized Nelson Partners Architects & Planners, offers a unique mixed use development with entertainment, retail, office, college, hotel, and multi-family residential uses.  The development plan synthesizes these uses via an efficient, interconnected circulation and pedestrian plan with buffers and transitions to the complimentary land uses.  
As will be demonstrated in this narrative, GALLERY PARK establishes a development plan with PAD development standards, Site Planning Guidelines, and Design Guidelines that tailor this project to the the arterial and commercial land use context, the General Plan Character Area, the Mesa Gateway Strategic Development objectives, and the purposes and intents of the Zoning Ordinance.  The purpose of the proposed PAD is to create development standards and guidelines to inform the orderly growth of the development as proposed in these requests and to allow flexibility in the future for minor modification. 

The end result will be to establish GALLERY PARK as the principal element of an important gateway into the City of Mesa.
>> summarize, the proposed site plan and plat includes approximately 28 lots laid-out in an efficiently planned mixed use commercial plat with the following uses: 

1 movie theater/commercial entertainment, and/or commercial recreation use 
14-16 restaurant/commercial buildings, with approximately 2-5  having vertical mixed use commercial/residential and/or mixed use retail/commercial along the site’s Main Axis 
2 hotels 
4 retail/commercial buildings 
3-4 office/commercial buildings 
1-2 parking structures 
1-2 apartment buildings 
Total Commercial: approx. 654,350 SF 
Total Residential: approx. 449,520 SF
Apartments (SEC of site): 420 units
Mixed use Condos/Lofts (Main Street): 39 units

Development Requests [3 out of 7 extracted here] 

The following development requests are concurrently submitted to the City of Mesa for approval:
1. Annexation (under separate application) of approximately 40 net acres of state land (from unincorporated Maricopa County into Mesa city limits). 
2. Rezoning of approximately 40 net acres from Maricopa County AD-2 (Airport District II) to City of Mesa Limited Commercial (LC) zoning with AF (Airfield) and PAD (Planned Area Development) Overlays.  In conjunction with the rezoning, a PAD is requested for enhanced design and limited modifications to development standards and site planning/design review procedures.
3. Council Use Permit for Multiple Residence uses that are part of a mixed use development with a density that exceeds 25 du/ac in LC zoning. .

A unique component of GALLERY PARK is the “Main Street” which leads to the park and entertainment/commercial use at the heart of the project.

File #: PZ 19041   
Type: PZ Preliminary Plat Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: “Gallery Park” District 6. 
 Within the 4900 to 5200 blocks of South Power Road (east side). Located south of 202 San Tan Freeway on the east side of Power Road and north of Ray Road. 
 (58± acres). Preliminary Plat. 
Vivo Partners, LLC, applicant
Arizona State Land Group, owner.
(Companion Case to ZON18-00775, associated with item 6-a). (Continued from February 20, 2019). 
 Planner: Lisa Davis Staff
Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Narrative, 4. Preliminary Plat
PZ Action on Item 3-c in District 5 [
File #: PZ 19032   
Type: PZ Zoning - Action Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-01010 District 5. Within the 3400 to 3600 blocks of North Greenfield Road (east side) and the 4400 block of East Virginia Street (north side).  Located at the southeast corner of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway and Greenfield Road. 
(10.8± acres). 
Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jack Czerwinski, Majestic Reality, applicant
Colebank Family Ltd Partnership, owner.
(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Greenfield Industrial”, associated with item *5-a). 
Planner: Ryan McCann 
 Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report 
The site plan shows two proposed buildings with truck bays to be located on the south side of building 1 and the east side of building 2. The location of the truck bay on this section of the property is to minimize direct visibility of these area from public view.
In order to provide effective citizen participation in conjunction with the applications, the following actions were taken to provide opportunities for members of the community to understand and address any real or perceived impacts of the proposed development: 
1. A contact list will be developed for citizens and agencies in this area including

a. Interested neighbors – focused on 1,000 feet from the site, but may include more; 
b. Homeowners’ Associations within ½ mile of the project;
c. All registered neighborhood associations within 1 mile of the project.
2. All persons listed on the contact list will receive a letter describing the project, application requests, and site plan.  A formal neighborhood meeting will not be held as authorized by Lesley Davis of the City of Mesa Planning Department.  Instead, the neighborhood notification letter instructed anyone who has questions or concerns about the development to contact EPS Group, Inc. and Majestic Realty to set up a meeting on a case by case basis.
3. Presentations will be made to groups of citizens or neighborhood associations upon request.  (No presentations were requested.)
• Pre-Submittal Conference:  Monday, December 3, 2018
• 1st Application Submittal:  Friday, December 21, 2017
• Neighbor meeting:  Not held 
• 2nd Application Submittal:  Tuesday, February 5, 2019
• Submittal of Final Citizen Participation Report and Notification materials:  Tuesday, March 5, 2019
• Planning and Zoning Board Hearing:  Wednesday, March 20, 2019
City Council Hearing: TBD 
There are six
1 in District 4 ______________________________________
File #: PZ 19037   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00984 District 4.  Within the 700 block of South Stapley Drive (east side) and the 1200 block of East 8th Avenue (north side).  Located south of Broadway on the east side of Stapley Drive. (0.9± acres). Rezoning from RM-3 and OC to NC-BIZ; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for a commercial development. Adaptive Architects, Inc., applicant; Pro Tax Financial Services, LLC, owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report
1 in District 5 _____________________________________
File #: PZ 19036   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00980 District 5. Within the 2600 block of North Power Road (east side). Located south of McDowell Road on the east side of Power Road.
(10.43± acres).
Rezoning from RM-3-PAD to RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multi-residence development. Continental 452 Fund, LLC, applicant; Timothy Tyson, Aquila Las Sendas, LLC, owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Springs at Red Mountain”, associated with item *5-b). Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report
4 in District 6______________________________________ 
Item 4-e: 187 acres
to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone
Project Red Hawk 
Employment Opportunity District Project Narrative [7 Pages]

Revised February 19, 2019  
Pew & Lake, PLC is pleased to provide this project narrative and related materials to the City of Mesa in support of the proposed Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD). This Narrative is provided pursuant to Section 11-14-5(B) of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and is provided in addition to an RHEOD Development Plan and RHEOD Development Plan Map. This document will establish how the proposed RHEOD complies with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City of Mesa 2040 General Plan as well as Chapter 14 of the MZO relating to the Employment Opportunity (EO) District.

Purpose of Request
The applicant is requesting a rezone of the approximately 187-acre property from Light Industrial (LI) and Planned Employment Park (PEP) to an Employment Opportunity (EO) district known as the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD). The purpose of the request is to: 
1. Expedite the entitlement processes for the development of this property to better attract high technology users to this site.

2. Establish site planning guidelines to ensure compliance with the City of Mesa General Plan.
3. Establish height limitations on the property to ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
4. Establish edge treatments that will ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
5. Create a parcel that, through the application of the EO zoning designation, is nearly “shovel ready” and will allow for a nimble development response to advances in technology and changing market conditions.
> Compliance with Chapter 14: Employment Opportunity District
Section 11-14-2 of The City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance specifies that an Employment Opportunity District shall only be established for an area when the City Council finds that the property meets the following requirements:
1. That the property is located within an area designated Employment and/or Employment Mixed Use Activity in the Mesa General Plan 2. The area is a minimum of 160 contiguous acres. 
As noted above, the Red Hawk property is approximately 187 acres and is currently designated in the Mesa 2040 General Plan as Employment Mixed Use Activity District.  Accordingly, this property is appropriate for designation as an Employment Opportunity District.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the approved RHEOD will follow the procedures outlined in Section 11-14-9 of the MZO. 
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions. Accordingly, the 187-acre property will develop in phases, the timing and size of which are not known at this time.

February 22, 1990:      Annexed to City of Mesa (Ord. #2842) April 2, 1990: Rezoned from County Rural-43 to City AG (Case #Z90-009, Ord. #2511)  October 16, 2006: (adjacent to the north) City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to R1-6-PADDMP, R1-7-PAD-DMP, R1-9-PAD-DMP and C-1-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Residential) Development Master Plan. (Case #Z06-066, Ord. #4602)  November 20, 2006: City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to PEP-PAD-DMP and LI-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Industrial) Development Master Plan.  (Case #Z06-083, Ord. #4633)   
NEIGHBORHOOD PARTICIPATION: The applicant has completed a Citizen Participation Process, which included mailed letters to property owners within 1,000’ of the site, as well as HOAs and registered neighborhoods within a mile of the site.  The applicant also held a neighborhood meeting on February 27, 2019 at Paloma Community Church located adjacent (east) to the site and across Sossaman Road. 
As of writing this report, staff has not been contacted by any residents or property owners in the area to express support or opposition to the request. The applicant will be providing an updated Citizen Participation Report prior to the March 19, 2019 Study Session. Staff will provide an update of the citizen participation plan during the scheduled study session.

The 187-acre, Project Red Hawk site is located at the northwest corner of Elliot and Sossaman Roads in the City of Mesa.

The property is identified by Maricopa County Assessor’s Parcel numbers: 304-05-018K, 304-05-018L, 304-05-019F, 304-05-019G, 304-05-019K, 304-05-020X, 304-05-022G and 304-05-022K, and is shown in the graphic below.  

Existing General Plan Designation and Zoning Classification

Relationship to Surrounding Properties
As shown in the graphic below, the site is bound on the north by a 250-foot wide electrical transmission line easement corridor, including multiple 69 kV, 230 kV and 500 kV SRP transmission lines. 

Beyond the easement corridor are single-family residential homes.
The site is also bound on the east by Sossaman Road, vacant agricultural property and a house of worship, on the south by Elliott Road and agricultural property that is still in Maricopa County and on the west by the RWCD canal and vacant agricultural property. 
At the far northwest corner of the site is the Gilbert Public Schools transportation operations center.
SITE CONTEXT NORTH: Existing residential – zoned RS-9-PAD-PAD and an existing Gilbert Public Schools Maintenance and Operations yard – zoned PEP-PAD-PAD EAST: (across Sossaman Road) Existing Church with sports fields, zoned AG and vacant land – zoned LI and LC SOUTH:  (across Elliot Road) Existing dairy farm, zoned in Maricopa County WEST: (across East Maricopa Floodway and RWCD Canal) Vacant – zoned RS-43 and existing self-storage facility, zoned LI 

Existing Site Conditions/Topography
The site is presently vacant, having previously been used for agricultural purposes. It is mostly flat and unremarkable in its topography

File #: PZ 19038   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON19-00016 District 6. Within the 7100 to 7600 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and the 3100 to 3500 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road and west of Sossaman Road
(187± acres).
Rezone from LI-PAD-PAD and PEP-PAD-PAD to EO to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone.  This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses. W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership, MBR Land I, LLP, B&K Land Investment Co., et al, and Morrison Ranch, Inc., owners. Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Narrative, 4. Development Plan, 5. Citizen Participation Plan, 6. Citizen Participation Report
1. Compliance with the EO development plan dated March 12, 2019.
2. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations, except as modified by the Development Plan.
3. Compliance with all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations.
4. Compliance with all requirements of the Design Review.
5. Due to the proximity to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, any proposed permanent or temporary structure is subject to an FAA filing for review in conformance with CFR Title 14 Part 77 (Form 7460) to determine any effect to navigable airspace and air navigation facilities. If required, an FAA determination notice of no hazard to air navigation shall be provided prior to building permit issuance.

ITEM 4-a
File #: PZ 19034   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00806 District 6.  Within the 3100 to 3400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side).  Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Ellsworth Road.
(67.5± acres).
Rezone from LC-PAD and PEP-PAD to LI
Site Plan Review
Special Use Permit for a reduction in parking. 
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jeffrey Blilie, Beus Gilbert, PLLC, applicant
Sunbelt Land Holdings, LP, owner. 
Planner: Ryan McCann 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. SUP Narrative, 9. Citizen Participation Plan, 10. Citizen Participation Report
NARRATIVE: Mesa Elliot Technology Park West Rezone 
Project Description and Site Summary
Revised 12-10-18 

Development Plans
The overall development plan for the Mesa Elliot Technology Park West will complement the adjacent Mesa Elliot Technology Park East with a mixture of light industrial/manufacturing/ office and limited commercial uses being located primarily along Ellsworth Road.  The initial development phase will consist of two general industrial buildings being located on the southwest 18.56 acres.  

Mesa Gateway Development Strategic Plan
The overall development plan for the Mesa Elliot Technology Park West is in total harmony with the Mesa Gateway Strategic Development Plan  

The following are a sample of examples as to how the Mesa Elliot Technology Park West complies with the Plan.
> Goal #2 of the Plan: 

Create a regional employment center with a mix of jobs, emphasizing the attraction of at least 100,00 high-wage, high value jobs.
The proposed zoning for the Mesa Elliot Technology Park West is Limited Industrial, which will allow for a wide variety of employment opportunities.  
Objective 2.2.4: 

Freeway frontage should be devoted to employment and retail uses.
The Mesa Elliot Technology Park West is located adjacent to SR 202 and will be entirely devoted to employment and retail uses.
Objective 2.2.7:  Development must provide for the infrastructure and public facilities that will be necessary for the ultimate development of the area.
The development of the Mesa Elliot Technology Park West will include extending and constructing regional infrastructure for the area

PARCEL NO.:   304-03-016K & 304-03-016J 
PARCEL SIZE:   67.5± acres  
EXISTING ZONING:   Limited Commercial (LC) PAD and Planned Employment Park (PEP) PAD 
GENERAL PLAN CHARACTER: Mixed Use Activity/ Employment District 

NORTH:  Existing single residence development – zoned RM-2, RS-6, and, AG (±250 power easement)
EAST:  (Across Ellsworth Road) Planned Employment Park PAD – Zoned PEP-PAD
SOUTH:  Vacant – Zoned Limited Commercial PAD (LC-PAD) and Planned Employment Park PAD (PEP-PAD)
WEST:  Loop 202 Santan Freeway  

February 1990:  Annexed ±1,740 acres into the City (Ord. #2482)
April 1990:  Rezone ±1,740 acres from County Rural-43 and C-2 to SR and C-2
(Z90-009, Ord  #2511)
May 2008: Rezone from R1-43 to C-2 DMP (25 ± ac) and PEP DMP (16 ± ac)
(Z08-14, Ord #4836)  


Mesa Elliot Technology Park West Rezone
March 5, 2019 

Results:  To date we have received a total of one email requesting additional information (see below). 
Email response sent with no response from interested party. 
Other than the one email, we have not received any phone calls or any other additional forms of correspondence from interested citizens, associations, or other parties regarding the project.
Based on our market studies the amount of parking being provided will exceed the amount of parking needed to accommodate the full build out of the site. 
We don’t believe that reducing the required parking from 622 to 559 will have any impact on the supply of on-street parking in the surrounding area. 
As indicated on the site plan, additional parking can be located on the site by converting surface retention to underground retention. 
Additionally, we own the property both north and east of the proposed industrial buildings and could accommodate additional parking in the unlikely scenario additional parking was needed
Item 4-b 
File #: PZ 19029   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00933  District 6.   Within the 10800 to 11600 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (east side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of Mountain Road (west side), the 6000 to 6500 blocks of South Mountain Road (east side) and the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Meridian Road (west side).  Located south of Williams Field Road east of Signal Butte Road. 
(203± acres). 
Rezone to modify an existing PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the modification of the PAD for single residential development.
Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant
Groh Revocable Trust
Demuro Properties
SB CLB 18, LLC, Tres Points, LLC, owner.  
Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Amenity Areas, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report

Item 4-c
File #: PZ 19036   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/20/2019
Title: ZON18-00980 District 5. Within the 2600 block of North Power Road (east side). Located south of McDowell Road on the east side of Power Road.
(10.43± acres).
Rezoning from RM-3-PAD to RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for a multi-residence development. Continental 452 Fund, LLC, applicant
Timothy Tyson, Aquila Las Sendas, LLC, owner.
(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Springs at Red Mountain”, associated with item *5-b). 
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Staff Report, 3. Site Plan, 4. Grading and Drainage Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Narrative, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report

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