18 October 2019

Just VOTE NO! Would You Ever Endorse a Blank Check for $34,000,000???

That's only the amount in the first year in one more tricky public relations campaign by The City of Mesa on the only ballot question on 2019 SPECIAL/GENERAL ELECTION.
The official ballots have been mailed out  or you can vote in-person. Please take the time to read the fine print, before you decide how to vote - the devil's always in the details
First, get informed
Why is this year's General Election 'special' ???
It includes approval in a BUDGET OVERRIDE for an amount that exceeds the revenue control specified by statute by 15% for FY2020/2021 and for six consecutive years.

INFORMATION: Mesa Public Schools have been failing to provide achievement performance standards and grade-level academic proficiencies for students for decades.
In 2018 it was a 42% proficiency in three basic areas!
No reasonable person or taxpayer would throw their good hard-earned money away by rewarding a failing public school system that produces bad results for decades by system administrators and a bloated bureaucracy.
If they can't do their jobs, they should have been fired,
NOT rewarded by going over-budget to pay them off . . .
1 Approval of the budget override represents an extension and increase of the existing 10% budget override authority - when you add it up > that's  (25%) - which OTHERWISE  is scheduled for a phase-down by one-third over two years FY2020/2021 and FY2021/2022
2 The proposed budget increase for the first year FY2020/2021 is estimated to be $34, 087,454
3 Funding for the first and subsequent years?
A LEVY OF TAXES ON YOUR TAXABLE PROPERTY within The Governing Board of Mesa Unified School District 4

Ukraine’s Big Crisis: Dozens Of Draft Dodgers Dead; Poland Issues Strict...

   68,198 views May 1, 2024 #ukrainedraftdodgers #russiawar #poland Ukraine’s border service admits that around 30 Ukrainian men have ...