30 October 2019

SPECIAL FEATURE TODAY: A Video-On-Demand (VOD) Dump > More Doo-Doo From City of Mesa

Whew! We are so blessed! to get one moreof these short-feature segments from a city-owned and taxpayer-funded media outlet -
it's almost as good as the City of Mesa Newsroom for producing content we really have a NEED-TO-KNOW for issues that impact everyone who lives here.
Nothing ever about the crisis in affordable housing.
Nothing ever about the lack of public engagement in the government that somehow manages to get elected to serve "special interests" . . . 
QUESTION: Is this the kind of programming you want ??

Macron's Big Vision for Europe Over-Shadowed by Jordan Bardella

Macron’s big vision for Europe may not save his party from a drubbing in the election, but it might just position him for a comeback on the ...