10 October 2019

Today's Mixed-Message From BBC World Service Radio "The Inquiry" > Don't Panic + Don't Be Reassured Either!

Your MesaZona blogger woke up completely-in-the-dark today just listening to the radio for 23 minutes
Are we heading for a global recession?
The world’s two biggest economies are fighting a trade war, European growth is slowing and global manufacturing data looks grim.
How likely is it?
QUITE LIKELY. We - and economists and 4 experts - just don't know when but it is coming . . . 
Nice to wake up to that, huh?

IT'S AVAILABLE NOW FOR BROADCAST > https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csytgm 
Please take the time to listen.
It's very informative in straight-forward language we can all understand.
Central Banks and Governments don't have "all the tools" to use when there are clashing forces that upset the normal prognosis to predict a recession.
Global Wars and Trade Wars have messed-up that time-honored analysis and economists have rarely been right predicting recessions ahead of time

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