17 November 2019

Do The Maricopa Board of Supes - or New County Attorney - Look Believable At All?

Here's a recent fill-in the blanks  
Supes set date for Petersen to appeal suspension, order investigation
Jerod MacDonald-Evoy November 13, 2019 

"After spending three hours in executive session with lawyers, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to give Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen a date to appeal his suspension and requested the county attorney investigate Petersen’s performance.
Immediately following that vote, the board voted to have Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel conduct an investigation into Petersen.
Image result for maricopa county attorney

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The law authorizing the supervisors to request an investigation into the assessor says that “county attorney shall provide a written notice and report of findings, including a statement of charges, to the assessor… and the board.” 
Image result for maricopa county attorney“We will turn over all the records they are entitled to,” Gates said of Langhofer’s request letter that included requests for things such as
  • copies of the hard drives of all computers,
  • cell phones and other county devices issued to the supervisors, Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone and Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel. 
Gates said he was unsure if the Board will be able to make a decision on Dec. 11 about Petersen’s appeal.