03 November 2019

The Trump Tool-Box > Hands-On Prayer Circle / God's Gift To America

O Lordy! OMG The Hypocrisy of it all!
Evangelical Christians gathering around The Donald somewhere in The White House the other day at a prayer breakfast ceremony to ask for a Healing by laying their hands on him . . . when the hands-of-the-law are having a hard to get their hands on evidence for charges of crimes and misdemeanors in the Highest Office in The Land.
By Nathan Simpson January 13, 2017
Like him or not, it is your duty to pray for President Donald Trump
"Look, I know this election season has been anything but pleasurable. The United States found itself “between a rock and a hard place.” But just because the person who is rising to power can be disagreeable at times does not mean we can just disregard him. Quite contrary, it is our Biblical duty to pray for the president-elect, and often. If you’re not praying for Donald Trump fervently then you are disobeying God’s Word. I’ll even go as far as to say that God says that every President ever has been chosen. That’s a serious statement which will lead us into some interesting discussions. . ."  https://godtv.com
‘Blessed Be Thy Hush Money’: George Conway Skewers Religious Leaders Praying For Trump
“Blessed be thy hush money, mayest all quid pro quos be thine, and mayest thy falsehoods persuade the multitudes,” Conway scoffed on Twitter Friday.
Conway was reacting to a photo originally posted on Thursday by Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, which showed a group of conservative religious leaders putting their hands on Trump in the White House to pray for him. . .
Twitter users joined in on the spirit of Conway’s fractured “prayer.”

Ukraine Sacks Two Senior Ministers at Heart of Wartime Economy By Reuters | May 9, 2024, at 4:40 a.m.

Ukraine Sacks Two Senior Ministers at Heart of Wartime Economy By  Reuters May 9, 2024, at 4:40 a.m. REUTERS FILE PHOTO: Oleksandr Kubrakov,...