05 November 2019

City of Mesa Econ Dev Advisory Board:Today's Early Morning Monthly Meeting

This was an upbeat gathering in the Lower Chambers evident when your MesaZona blogger took the time to be there in-person shortly after 07:30 a.m. Even City Manager Chris Brady was there, although he spoke little or appeared as upbeat as the voting and non-voting appointed members of the board who were all present.
Duane Roen had already started Item 4 on the Meeting's Agenda: Future Growth @ ASU Polytechnic Campus.
It was another of those oh-so-many, over-the-top self-serving highly-scripted prepared Power Point presentations A Big RA-RA for Everything ASU PolyTech!
Everything is GREAT in Southeast Mesa!

As it turned out two items on the published were 'tabled' :
Item 5: Inner Loop Presentation - Leslie Cornfield & Rick Merritt
Item 6: Hawes Crossing PAD Presentation - Ralph Pew
BLOGGER NOTE: According to what was explained by the Chairperson and Rich Adams, the presentation materials for both these agenda items were not received enough time in advance, or at least within the minimum 24 hours [or 3 business days], for members of the board - or for that matter members of the public and citizens - to get informed and prepared ahead of time for the vital discussions and questions on matters that are up in front of the EDAB for consideration.
At the right you can see Aric Bopp (next to the empty chair of Duane Roen doing the ASU PolyTech slide show) and Jay O'Donnell, the city's Assistant to Econ Dev Director, seen with head down using a smartphone doing the meeting.
It's too bad these EDAB months meetings are not being televised in real time or available on Mesa Channel 11 or in videos on demand uploaded to YouTube. There is, however, a city clerk present to make a record for what appears later as the "Approved Minutes" - about a month afterwards.
City Council Study Sessions and Planning & Zoning Board Meetings take place in same location where's the video equipment installed in the ceiling for broadcast.
> The Name CHRIS CAMACHO: Way more than just a few times
>Public Hearing today with Mesa Mayor John Giles appearing in front of AZ Corporate Commission to do a pitch for new power lines to gain approval for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for The Red Hawk Project and the Sossaman/Elliot Area, accompanied by N.D. Beatty and Scott Butler
> State-Wide Ozone Webinar
> "Sally Jo's What's Happening Bus Tour" --- great success, let's do it again!
Definitely before the start of Spring Training
> Mesa's OZones: Opportunity Zones --- most investments in the airport areas in northeast Mesa and southeast Mesa. When asked, Bill Jabjiniak stated there were 5 'Ozone Deals' - one at Longbow was for $70M with 40% Ozone-funded participation.
Jeff Pitcher, former EDAB Chairman and an officer at a bank that specializes in distressed properties said he knew about two deals.
> Jobs & Housing: This was interesting >
Housing drains city revenues/increases costs