14 June 2020

Fedeeral Reserve Bank: UPDATE Racial Equity in the Context of COVID-19: A Primer

An Update from Community Development at the SF Fed
Racial Equity in the Context of COVID-19: A Primer
How can the United States work toward economic opportunity for all? Building a better future—one that leaves no one behind—requires an intentional focus on inequities and injustices. At the San Francisco Fed, racial equity is core to our values and mission. We put together this racial equity primer to provide context on the structural factors that are driving current racial disparities in health and economic outcomes.

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How are Nonprofits that Serve the Western U.S. Weathering the COVID-19 Crisis?
Nonprofit organizations deliver key services and promote policies that support the well-being and economic resilience of low-income people and people of color. To better understand how these organizations are faring during the COVID-19 pandemic, we analyzed findings from a Federal Reserve survey, focusing on responses submitted by nonprofit organizations serving the Western U.S. 

Here’s what we found

Reminder: Add Your Voice to Our Data
The Federal Reserve is committed to supporting people and businesses with every tool we have, but we need your help to know what's happening on the ground. If you haven't already, please take our national survey to tell us what you see in your community and the communities you serve. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete, and the deadline was extended through TODAY at 8:59 p.m. PT / 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Start Survey

Staff Announcements
We're pleased to announce Laura Choi's appointment to Vice President. In this role, Laura provides overall strategic direction and leadership of the Community Development team and serves as Community Affairs Officer for the Twelfth Federal Reserve District.

We're also excited to welcome
Jessica Monge Coria to the team as Regional Manager for Southern California.

SF Fed COVID-19 Resource Hub
Our resource hub makes it easy to find information about Fed actions and guidance in response to COVID-19 and related resources from the San Francisco Fed.
ICYMI: Mental Health during the Coronavirus
The sudden shutdown of our economic and social lives increases stress, financial insecurity, and other risks for poor mental health. Our recent research brief looks at the stark implications for low-income communities and communities of color.

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The Federal Reserve Main Street Lending Program
Small and medium-sized businesses are integral to the U.S. economy and create jobs for a large share of the U.S. workforce. The Main Street Lending Program provides support to small and medium-sized businesses and their employees across the United States during the current period of financial strain by supporting the provision of credit. The availability of additional credit is intended to help companies that were in sound financial condition prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic maintain their operations and payroll until conditions normalize. 

Learn more

Deadline Extended: Apply for the Federal Reserve Board's Community Advisory Council
The Federal Reserve Board is accepting applications for membership on the Community Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC advises the Board on issues affecting consumers and communities and serves as a mechanism to gather feedback and perspectives on a wide range of policy matters and emerging issues. The new deadline for applications is Friday, July 3 at 8:59 p.m. PT / 11:59 p.m. ET.

Learn more and apply
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco


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