11 December 2021

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY? ...Effective Immediately No More High Pollution Alerts!

Posts like this will be a thing of the past ...Scroll down farther
There are consequences impacting your Quality of Life and Public Health where there's close to no action to reduce the sources of Air Pollution.
High Pollution Advisory HPA Maricopa County Phoenix
Featured post in this blog from September 2021:
The Maricopa Association of Government has a "Technical Advisory Committee"
 JOIN IN WITH YOUR INPUT: Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting Thu 09.23.2021 at
Introduction: Maricopa County has consistently exceeded and violated federal Clean Air Standards for year-after-year-after-year - and it's getting worse not better.
For readers of this blog, you know how many times in recent weeks how many High Ozone Pollution Advisories have been issued that impact public health with adverse consequences.
Here's is a continuously updated time-lapse map for the Air Quality Index in Maricopa County.
Please use the Searchbox at the top of this blog or on the right-hand sidebar for more information about exceedance reports that are available from EPA or ADEQ
There are only 'alerts' and 'warnings' for what to avoid doing, qualifiers with qualifiers like sensitive-groups may be affected.
Maricopa County Air (@CleanAirMakeMor) | Twitter
Common pollutants poster

Five major pollutants

EPA establishes an AQI for five major air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act. Each of these pollutants has a national air quality standard set by EPA to protect public health:

  • ground-level ozone
  • particle pollution (also known as particulate matter, including PM2.5 and PM10)
  • carbon monoxide
  • sulfur dioxide
  • nitrogen dioxide


  • High Pollution Advisory (HPA): An alert that notifies the public that the level of an air pollutant is expected to exceed the federal health standard.
  • Particulate Matter: State and county agencies measure levels of particulate matter (PM) in the air. PM is extremely small solid particles and liquid droplets that circulate in air. PM comes from combustion (cars, industry, wood burning) or dust stirred up into the air. High levels of PM occur when air is especially stagnant or windy. Two types of PM are measured: PM10, commonly called dust, refers to dust particles 10 microns or less, and PM2.5, or soot particles, are 2.5 microns or less. For perspective, one strand of human hair is 70-100 microns in size.

News Releases for High Pollution Advisories Discontinued

ADEQ strives to efficiently deliver public health information to residents and visitors in regions of Arizona experiencing air quality issues and the media is an important partner in this aspect of our mission. To this end, we want to ensure you stay informed about High Pollution Advisories, air quality forecasts, and other air quality alerts that are relevant to your DMA.

What's Changing?

Effective immediately, news releases for High Pollution Advisories (HPAs) will no longer be distributed to our statewide media list

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