02 February 2022

ALWAYS-ON INTERNET INTERACTIVITY: Generating More Data and Content

It's a perpetual constantly in motion regenerating Rube Goldberg Machine - the "Selfie Culture"
Whatever's sent out into the open ether of the internet is there for the taking.
Millions of images are easily accessible through Facebook. 

Chicago Cops Love Them Some Facebook Sharing, According To Internal Facial Recognition Presentation

from the facebook-remains-the-ultimate-third-party-candidate dept

AI facial recognition tool causes privacy concerns - Big Think

Somewhere between the calls to end encryption and calls to do literally anything about crime rate spikes at this time of year, at this time of day, in [insert part of the country], localized entirely within [add geofence] lies the reality of law enforcement. While many continue to loudly decry the advent of by-default encryption, the reality of the situation is people are generating more data and content than ever. And most of it is less than a warrant away.

While certain suspect individuals continue to proclaim encryption will result in an apocalypse of criminal activity, others are reaping the benefits of always-on internet interactivity. Clearview, for example, has compiled a database of 10 billion images by doing nothing more than scraping the web, grabbing everything that's been made public by an extremely online world population.

You want facial images free of charge and no Fourth Amendment strings attached? You need look no further than the open web, which has all the faces you want and almost none of the attendant restrictions. "Going dark" is for chumps who don't know how to leverage the public's willingness to share almost anything with the rest of the internet.

The Chicago PD knows who's keeping the internet bread buttered and which side they're on. A report from Business Insider (written by Caroline Haskins) highlights an internal CPD presentation that makes it explicit cops have gained plenty from the rise of social media platforms, easily outweighing the subjective losses end-to-end encryption may have recently created.[...] The document obtained by Business Insider shows the CPD is using multiple facial recognition vendors in their quest for the highly subjective "truth:" ranging from Amazon's no-longer-for-law-enforcement Rekognition to NEC, Cognitec, and Dataworks Plus. . .

> The document says CCTV footage and social media could lead to "suspect identification." But it also notes prospective pitfalls of the technology, saying that facial recognition was a "narrow tool" that couldn't be used to "'confirm' an identification by other means."

Again, the words are only as good as their interpretation by officers utilizing this technology and the wealth of information made accessible by social media platforms. And there's a shit ton of inputs. Millions of images are easily accessible through Facebook. Millions more have been harvested by the Chicago PD, which operates or has access to more than 30,000 surveillance cameras located in the city.

The Chicago PD's relationship with emerging surveillance tech has been no better than its constantly deteriorating relationship with the people it serves.

The PD has been an enthusiastic early adopter of unproven tech, blowing tax dollars on ShotSpotter (which is terrible at spotting shots) and Clearview's facial recognition AI (which has been assailed by law enforcement agencies as mostly useless).

We want law enforcement agencies to be good stewards of the money and power they're entrusted with. The Chicago PD has been neither for decades. While this presentation does a good job explaining the pitfalls of utilizing open source images in conjunction with facial recognition tech, the fact is Chicago cops are results-oriented. When that happens, the ends justify the means, even when the ends are ultimately tossed by trial court judges and federal civil rights lawsuits. Officers are on notice that facial recognition tech is highly-fallible. But, until we see otherwise, we can probably assume CPD officers are more interested in deploying the tech than ensuring search results are accurate."

Filed Under: chicago, chicago pd, facial recognition
Companies: facebook


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