20 February 2022

WHOOPS! I missed it ... RAIL CDC: New Mural at the Mesa Urban Garden

RAIL CDC: Mesa Urban Garden Mural Platica

This will be the first step in creating a new mural at the Mesa Urban Garden!

You're invited to join us for snacks and creativity to identify words and colors that best represent what matters most to us in our community!

As we embark on this journey to create a new mural at the Mesa Urban Garden, we want to ensure we're creating art that is truly representative of the community around us. This is why we're inviting YOU to join us as we brainstorm what truly makes Mesa the best place to live.

So don't miss it! Join us this Thursday, February 17th at 5:30pm at the Mesa Urban Garden. Snacks will ve provided, and it will be a fun time all around. We're looking forward to seeing you! 
Many thanks to our staff, volunteers, and partners. An investment in RAIL CDC is an investment in the small businesses & neighborhoods in our community.

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