20 February 2022


Round-and-round we go! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

Why The West Is Out To Expose The ‘Kremlin Playbook’

The United States and European allies are aggressively seeking to call out Russian disinformation to get ahead of the Russian narrative amid fears Russian President Vladimir Putin is about to launch an invasion of Ukraine, experts say. . .

[.  ] Brandt said she sees the U.S. and its allies’ attempts to quickly refute Russia’s propaganda plans – or even get ahead of the news as Price did – as a way to be “proactive and kind of own the [information] space. … I think this is a way of denying that narrative to Putin and filling the vacuum.”

Cyberattacks Tuesday shuttered the websites of Ukraine’s defense ministry and two banks, and Ukrainian officials suggested the attacks may have been of Russian origin without explicitly placing blame on their neighbor. Bob Diachenko, a Ukraine-based cybersecurity expert, told Forbes Tuesday’s cyberattacks could be “preparation” for a larger operation. Brandt called cyberattacks another “vector of authoritarian interference” used in combination with disinformation by the Kremlin."

Ref: https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/02/17/why-the-west-is-out-to-expose-the-kremlin-playbook/ 


One More "Endless War" CYBERWARFARE > Nation-States & Cyber-Spies / The Blame Game

First reported by Reuters

Apparently the US Intelligence Services such as the CIA. NSA, and Naval Intelligence have latched onto these “all too clever” cyber-agents and policies with one stark difference – the other side was staffed by cold and calculating operators who,  over the past 20 years, have been able to take full advantage of the US Cyber-sie by  stealing-  not just hoards of government classified secrets but also nearly all the arsenal of US created cyber hacking tools.

Worse, the Chinese, Iranian, ISIS, North Korean, and Russian cyber experts using these US tools have been able to unleash a broad range of cyber attacks to loot US and World businesses and government agencies. . .

How Pervasive are the US Cyber Spy Tool Breaches

First Cyber-spy gaffe, give  away as Open Source Software key cyber-software tools and don’t expect anybody to exploit it for malvolence.  Tor is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. It was developed in the mid 1990s by the Naval Research Laboratory  to ensure that Naval communications could not be a)intercepted for deciphering or b)tracked to reveal source and destination communications for tracing vessel and submarine movements. Tor  and its counterparts such as I2p, Freenet and GnuNET are all anonymous browsers of the resulting  Deep Web which is not just invisible to but also nearly 500 times the size of the regular surface Web .

As it turns out, anonymous browsing which is untraceable is as vital to hackers and criminal organizations as it is for military and corporate systems. But what the Naval Research Laboratory  and Electronic Frontier Foundation as sponsors failed to  do  when Tor was released as Open Source was some elementary controls on the code. . .

As a result hackers have taken the Open Source Tor [and I2P, Freenet and GnuNET  as well]  and adapted it for their own purposes including creating a host of vulnerabilities for their malignant ends. Congratulations Naval Intelligence for hoping for the best and reaping the worst possible outcome – creating the Dark Web Space with which provides cover for enemy state  cyber-hackers and organized crime.

Second Cyber-spy gaffe, presume your headquarters are impervious to hack attack; then lose secrets through your own staff and/or incompetence. The record from 2000 to 2013 of Federal Government cyber-attacks is full of incidents where  security incompetence or internal employees were the source of most data breaches. . .

Third Cyber-spy gaffe, lose control of your most important  cybertools as the NSA did in 2016. And then once lost, all the tools were dumped in code form by a still secret group known as the Shadow Brokers for all the world to see and employ for  their own massive cyber hacking exploits.  . .

Based on the timing of the attacks and clues in the computer code, researchers with the firm Symantec believe the Chinese did not steal the code but captured it from an N.S.A. attack on their own computers — like a gunslinger who grabs an enemy’s rifle and starts blasting away. The Chinese action shows how proliferating cyber-conflict is creating a digital Wild West with few rules or certainties,…The losses have touched off a debate within the intelligence community over whether the United States should continue to develop some of the world’s most high-tech, stealthy cyberweapons if it is unable to keep them under lock and key.”
The result is that over the last decade, US Cyber Intelligence  has fallen into disarray and  and badly needs revitalization. See recent Naval Intelligence  assessment of that need.

Consequences of  US Intelligence Incompetence

Spy vs Spy was a Mad Magazine comic strip started during the Cold War era in 1961. Drawn by Antonia Prohias, the strip featured two spies one level too clever  such that they inevitably did themselves in with  scheming stunts of self-destruction. These spies were Maxwell Smart over confident and Inspector Clouseau clumsy clowns as seen in this cartoon:

Clearly there is a hubris about US Intelligence Effectiveness and Invulnerability. Yet all the major Intelligence players [CIA, NSA, and Naval Intelligence]  have proven to be remiss in defending US business, government and individual citizens against cyberattacks. Because  some of the very best US hacking tools are in possession of organized crime and foreign agents, US infrastructure systems  which are running on old , outdated, and/or poorly monitored control systems , are particularly at risk. This means major systems such as the US electrical grid, air transportation  control centers, intertwined oil,/gas/chemical pipelines have become increasingly susceptible to concerted cyberattack.

But perhaps most disconcerting is how social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube have been mastered as propaganda machines for sowing  massive misinformation on political and economic issues. So much so that the last US Presidential election was swayed by Russian cyber-agents. And so you can imagine how President Trump, already a vocal dissenter of the US  Intelligence community, will be “reluctant” to investigate the foreign cyberagent  influence by social media let alone revitalize the US Cyber-Agencies.



End of Countries Blaming Each Other of Cyber Espionage?

End of Countries Blaming Each Other of Cyber Espionage?

"In our world today, countries are “united” through a world-organ named United Nations, where civilized discussions about conflicts and misunderstandings are raised. But in the cyber world, it is basically every country for itself, there is no such thing as the Internet’s united nation, there is no central organ to organize the unorganized. . ."

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