23 February 2022

NEED-TO-KNOW: Returning to A Mess of Things-To-Do...and Catching-Up

Spoiler Alert; "If I’m in an all-team meeting that first morning back and everyone has to say what they are working on for the day, again, I’ll say out loud, ‘Today I’m getting caught up.’ I think this helps reinforce the idea that of course people need a day to catch up on emails and Slack messages and tend to the most urgent items. I think the more people who can reinforce that attitude, the better it is for everyone in a workplace."
----- Monica Torres

6 Things Productivity Experts Do When They Come Back To Work After Vacation

Overwhelmed and stressed about returning to a mess of things to do? Read these tips.

<div class=__reading__mode__extracted__imagecaption>Productivity experts weigh in on how to avoid the post-vacation crash and transition back to work smoothly.

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