Thursday, April 27, 2023

How's This for The City of Mesa and Maricopa County's Continuing Violations of Federal Clean Air Standards?

 Just another day living and working in our man-made toxic contaminated environment

AQI Animation -

"The Climate Action Plan affirms Mesa's commitment to resiliency and sustainability," said Mayor John Giles. "Now it's time to engage the community and measure our progress to ensure we pass along a community to future generations that's healthy at every level."

The plan uses four Aspirational Goals that will guide the vision for the future: BY THE YEAR 2050 !

Carbon Neutrality- Reduce the carbon footprint of City operations by 50% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks.

Renewable Energy- Prioritize the use of renewable, resilient energy to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050.

Materials Management- Manage material responsibly and divert 90% of waste from the landfill by 2050.

Community Action- Develop community-based action items to be incorporated into the Climate Action Plan.

"I am proud the City of Mesa has made a commitment to a Climate Action Plan," said Vice Mayor and District 4 Councilmember Jen Duff. "Around the world we are seeing the impacts of climate change. In Arizona we're experiencing record drought, extreme temperatures and increased wildfires. We must do our part in joining the global community to mitigate climate change, prepare and adapt for our future."

City departments will focus on six areas to help to achieve progress towards the goals laid out in the plan. The six focus areas are energy, air quality, heat mitigation, water stewardship, materials management and food systems. The City will work within these areas to create solutions with short-term and long-term benefits.

Mesa City Council accepts City of Mesa Climate Action Plan

June 21, 2021 at 6:28 pm
Mesa, AZ - Mesa City Council voted to accept the City of Mesa Climate Action Plan at the City Council meeting held this evening. The plan represents the City's commitment to proactively and responsibly protect and conserve Mesa's environment and natural resources.

The goal of the Climate Action Plan is to lower the City of Mesa's climate impact, serve as a guide for sustainable growth and build resiliency by reducing carbon pollution in City operations.

Animated Gif Monday – A Case of the Blah-Blahs – Baby Boomer Going Like  Sixty

RELATED..."The city is committed to a climate action planning process, plan, and policy decisions that incorporate social equity and consider residents that are most vulnerable to climate change.

We are looking for community partners to help us engage with all members of our community in this planning process. Help us by sharing information and this website with your colleagues, neighbors, and local nonprofits.

If your group would like to help share information or provide recommendations on who should be included in this process, please let us know at

"Aspirational Goals" Approved by City Council on June 21, 2021 for The City of Mesa's Climate Action Plan for 2050

No need to start-from-scratch or to reinvent-the-wheel, dozens of cities are as usual way ahead of the City of Mesa on a Climate Action Plan.
Well Duh GIFs | Tenor
Opportunity knocked years ago in this initiative back in 2018...did Mayor Giles and the City of Mesa join in The Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge?
The winning cities are:
U.S. Cities Release New Climate Action Playbook - GPSEN
Climate Action Now: 3 U.S. States, 3 Cities and Puerto Rico Lead the Way |  TheCityFix
How do you write a climate action plan?
Developing a climate action plan is an iterative process that sets preliminary goals, evaluates specific measures, calculates financial impact, and then revises the goals.
  1. Set Preliminary Goals. ...
  2. Evaluate Specific Measures. ...
  3. Determine Acceptable Financial Criteria. ...
  4. Revise Goals.
Meeting Name:City Council Study SessionAgenda status:Final
Meeting date/time:6/17/2021 7:30 AM
File #:21-0704   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:6/17/2021
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Climate Action Plan.
Attachments:1. Presentation
You can find the streaming VOD here to watch it for yourself
REFERENCE: Here is the link > 
What is a Climate Action Plan?

How to Find the Perfect GIF: 10 Must-Try Websites
The Climate Action Plan is our commitment to proactively and responsibly protect and conserve Mesa’s environment and natural resources. Through the Plan, we will implement mitigation and adaption strategies, implement intentional policy direction, and support the advancement of innovative technologies.
In the next phase of the Plan, we will work with community stakeholders, staff and a technical consultant to develop a collective vision on how we will make Mesa a more vibrant, prosperous, and thriving city for generations to come. 
doing our part image

What is Next in the process?
Now that the City has completed the first version of the Plan that identifies targets and strategies within City operations, community engagement is needed. Throughout the next year, we will be reaching out to the community, through online surveysvirtual and in-person meetings, and discussions with various boards and commissions to identify the community’s challenges and goals and prioritize local, viable strategies and actions. 

A Commitment to Equity

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 "The city is committed to a climate action planning process, plan, and policy decisions that incorporate social equity and consider residents that are most vulnerable to climate change.

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