Thursday, April 27, 2023

351,340 Views // 20 Hours ago: 26 Apr: LAST CHAPTER: DECISIVE BATTLE FOR THE SKY OVER BAKHMUT | War in Ukraine Explained

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"I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and twenty seventh day of the war. Day 427: April 26 > Today a Ukrainian fighter reported that Russians are trying to take Khromove by any means, storming the northern part of the village at least 8 times per day. According to the unconfirmed reports, Russian forces established control over one out of two trench networks on the first line of defense. One of the reasons why Russians managed to advance in the forest is that Ukrainians stepped back from Rose Alley. Previously, Ukrainian snipers in the numerous 4-story buildings did not give Russians any chance to cross the filed. However, the buildings got gradually destroyed and became untenable, especially as Russians started utilizing 500-kilogram air-dropped bombs. In order to get approval to use heavy air bombs in the city, Russian forces reportedly made an analysis and concluded that there are no civilians left inside the city. In reality, many civilians still remain because they refused to evacuate. This is understandable to a degree, as for many of those who remained, their home is the only thing of sentimental, if not economic, value. The reason why Russians formally concluded that there are no civilians, despite clear evidence and continuous release of videos with evacuation by volunteers, is simple. Russians saw at what cost it took them to establish control over garages, small houses, and 4-story buildings, so the storming of the last huge block consisting of 10-story buildings may simply break Russian forces. In order to avoid absolutely devastating losses, Russians decided to just wipe out the residential area, and in order to avoid societal backlash for killing hundreds of civilians, they publicly declared that there are no civilians left. By destroying the key Ukrainian defense positions, in particular in the high-rise buildings west of the military base, and east of the military base, Russians managed to enter the territory of the barracks. Based on the current setting, we can see that the clashes for the residential area are going to start very soon, marking the beginning of the last chapter of the Battel for Bakhmut.
However, the fact that Russian forces received a green light to use air bombs in the residential area significantly undermines Ukrainian plans. Based on the interview with the Ukrainian Eastern Group of Forces Commander, it is clear that Ukrainians planned to hold Bakhmut at least through the first half of May. But if Russians start leveling the city with the ground, then there is not much sense in staying there, and as the president of Ukraine previously said, in such cases, Ukrainians will immediately withdraw. > The most important and urgent task of the Ukrainian command right now is to solve the problem with air bombs. The first thing that Ukrainians can do is reinforce the region with air defense. There is a lot of footage showing how Ukrainian air defense is shooting down aerial objects above Bakhmut, and it is highly likely that now the main focus of air defense operators will be jets and air bombs. In the meantime, Ukrainians inside Bakhmut created multiple units, the purpose of which is to hunt down Russian planes. Today’s footage showed that they assumed positions along the perimeter of the high-rise buildings and monitor the sky. It is true that air bombs can be dropped at high altitudes and distance from the target, however, it also allows air defense to detect a plane tens of kilometers away. In order to minimize the risk of being shot down, Russians are flying at low altitudes. This is true for the whole front line, as Russian planes are frequently spotted in the sky right above Donetsk and also right above Bakhmut. For this reason, the creation of mobile air defense units is a very good idea. But on top of that, Ukrainians also decided to retaliate in the same way. Yesterday, Ukrainian aviation conduced 5 airstrikes, destroying concentrations of forces and equipment and also one air defense system. Many sources reported that in response to Russian FAB-500 air bombs, Ukrainians utilized American JDAM air bombs. By destroying the main Russian positions in front of the residential area, Russians will have fewer checkpoints to rely on. The weakening of their logistics inside the city may allow Ukrainians to keep the front line away from the residential area, forcing Russians to focus on the street fighting first."

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