18 August 2023

Latvia, Lituania & Estonia boost defences amid Russia threat | Gravitas ...


In a joint statement released on Thursday, the prime ministers of EstoniaLatvia, and Lithuania announced that all three Baltic countries are joining the ...
Apa.az · Haji Javadov · 22 hours ago
Latvias home to over 1.8 million people, Lithuanias home to over 2.8 million people. and Estonia is home to over 1.3 million people. This makes Lithuania the ...
TikTok · global.thingz · 3 days ago
Latvia's center-right prime minister, Krisjanis Karins, says he will step down ... Latvia and its Baltic neighbors, Estonia and Lithuania, have been hit ...
ABC News · The Associated Press · 3 days ago
Krisjanis Karins, the Latvian prime minister and a staunch supporter of ... Baltic neighbours Lithuania and Estonia, under Mr Karins' stewardship Latvia has ...
Sky News · 3 days ago
Edgars Bondars assumes the post of the Latvian Ambassador to Moldova ! ... .lv/en/article/joint-statement-estonian-latvian-lithuanian-and-polish-foreign ...
Facebook · Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia · 16 hours ago

The Baltic states fear that NATO is being complacent

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania see a threat from Russia that will not go away

Man installing security cameras with the flags of NATO and of Lithuania before the NATO summit in Lithuania
image: dreamstime

Vilnius, the newly sparkling but also quaintly baroque capital of Lithuania, sits in a hot spot. Less than an hour’s drive to the east sprawls the Russian satrapy of Belarus, home now not just to Russian tactical nuclear weapons but soon, perhaps, to a large, seasoned Russian mercenary army under restaurauteur-cum-rebel-warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin. Just 150km to the west, bristling with combat planes, missiles and warships, lies the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. Closer than either, for older Lithuanians, linger memories of decades under Russian rule when their country, along with its two Baltic sisters, Estonia and Latvia, formed unwilling “republics” within the Soviet Union.

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