16 September 2023

Andy's own Newsletter: The Biggs Idea,,,and other news not self-made FYI

First, let's take a look what's in the media about  the Arizona Congressman ..here's a blurb about Andy frim Deseret News

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The Week in Review 

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a wonderful week. I am grateful to serve you all in the 118th Congress. Read below to see what I’ve been working on this week. 

Congress Returns to Washington After August Recess

August has concluded and Members of Congress returned to Washington this week. I am grateful to have spent more time in the district, but I had to return to Washington to make your voices better heard in committees and on the House Floor. 

Congressional Impeachment Inquiry Into President Joe Biden 

This week, Speaker Kevin McCarthy directed House committees to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

I’ve long called for the impeachment of President Joe Biden. An impeachment inquiry steers us in a better direction to accomplish that, but more work remains to be done. House Republicans cannot lose focus with this inquiry and slow walk bringing impeachment articles to the House Floor.  

After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports, bank records, depositions, and more, it is clear to me that President Biden has committed numerous crimes while serving in public office, arguably making him the most corrupt president in American history.

The Oversight & Accountability Committee has identified more than $20 million flowing from foreign powers to the pockets of Biden Family members. In a sworn deposition, Devon Archer admitted to me that the "Biden Brand" being sold by Hunter Biden was in fact Joe Biden. 

Joe Biden made more than 20 calls to Hunter and his business partners, and the White House kept Hunter in the loop on the then-Vice President's official activities. Brave IRS whistleblowers have implicated current Biden Administration officials in attempts to meddle in the Justice Department's investigation into Hunter's criminal activities.

There is countless evidence on the Biden regime’s influence peddling and we’ll continue to leave no stone unturned.


9/11: Never Forget 

On Monday, we honored and remembered the lives lost in the heinous attacks that occurred on US soil on September 11, 2001. This year marked the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 and we must never forget the victims, acts of heroism, nor the solidarity that brought us together.

Let us continue to honor our police officers, firefighters, and paramedics for the thankless work they perform in our neighborhoods.

I will continue to advocate for national security while serving in Congress. Many of the 9/11 commission recommendations are still not implemented 20+ years later. That’s a problem that Congress needs to better address.


House Judiciary Committee Activity


I chaired the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance hearing titled “Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad.”

Reports of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) have grown exponentially in recent decades, from 3,000 reports in 1998, to more than one million in 2014, 18.4 million in 2019, and more than 30 million last year. We cannot stand by and let this number grow continually. 

While we’d like to believe that child exploitation only happens in foreign nations, we must acknowledge that it is also a domestic issue. Offenders prey on the most vulnerable populations. Groomers use techniques to normalize inappropriate conduct and encourage secrecy, especially using social media platforms. 

I appreciate the insight offered by the committee witnesses and hope to better protect our nation’s children through legislation. 

Click the image below to watch some of my remarks:




The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement held a hearing titled “Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border.”

Since Joe Biden took office, more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list have been encountered by CBP agents. These are simply the ones we have encountered–and we know some of them have been released into our country. With millions of illegal aliens arriving at our southern border annually, it is virtually impossible to vet all of them and the vast majority are released into the interior of the country and never seen again.

As seen by the events that unfolded on September 11, 2001, it only takes a few bad actors to inflict catastrophic damage.

In this hearing, my colleagues heard damning evidence and testimony from experts who suggest the terror threat at the southern border is very real. 

Click below to watch some of my remarks from the hearing: 



House Oversight & Accountability Committee Activity


The House Oversight & Accountability Committee held a hearing titled “Unsuitable Litigation: Oversight of Third-Party Litigation Funding.”

My colleagues and I highlighted how leftist activists are funding frivolous litigation in order to implement their radical agenda, and how federal agencies collude with them to set policy through politically unaccountable “sue and settle” practices. 

Witnesses at the hearing revealed that these leftist funded lawsuits are slowing down the mining of critical minerals, development of new medications, energy production, and other key American industries. 

Activist groups shouldn’t be abusing our legal system to make radical policy changes. The committee will continue to work to identify ways Congress can address third-party litigation funding to ensure fairness in our legal system and protect key American industries.

Click the image below to see some of my remarks from the hearing: 




The House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs held a hearing titled “A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran.”

The Biden Administration is paying a $6 billion ransom to the Iranian Regime. The Iranian president this week told NBC News, “We’re going to use it wherever we need it.”

This Administration’s strategy thus far has shown weakness and must return to the policy of maximum pressure to stop the Iranian regime from skirting sanctions and funding terrorism and U.S. adversaries around the globe, making Americans less safe at home and abroad.

Click the image below to see some of my remarks from the hearing:




The House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce held a hearing titled “Oversight of Federal Agencies’ Post-Pandemic Telework Policies.”

Even though the COVID emergency ended long ago, the Biden Administration has allowed federal agencies to continue remote telework at high levels without providing adequate data on its benefits. Meanwhile, U.S. taxpayers are paying billions of dollars annually for unoccupied federal agency office space. We must ensure that taxpayers are getting the best return from these agencies.

Click the image below to see some of my remarks from the hearing:  



Legislation and Letters

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act Amendments Sponsored:

  • Amendment #133 - Eliminates funding for the Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs  
  • Amendment #134 - Eliminates funding to the United States Institute of Peace 
  • Amendment #135 - Eliminates funding to the National Endowment for Democracy 
  • Amendment #136 - Eliminates funding to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Salaries and Expenses 
  • Amendment #137 - Eliminates funding to the Congressional Executive Commission on the People’s Republic of China, Salaries and Expenses
  • Amendment #138 - Eliminates funding to the U.S. Agency for International Development, Funds Appropriated to the President Operating Expenses 
  • Amendment #139 - Eliminates funding to the U.S. Agency for International Development, Funds Appropriated to the President Capital Investment Fund 
  • Amendment #140 - Eliminates funding to the Millennium Challenge Corporation 
  • Amendment #141 - Eliminates funding to the Global Environment Facility 
  • Amendment #142 - Eliminates funding to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
  • Amendment #143 - Eliminates funding to the Contribution to the Asian Development Fund.  
  • Amendment #144 - Eliminate funding to the African Development Bank

Bills Cosponsored:

  • H.R. 5403 - CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act (Emmer)
  • H.R. 1477 - Freedom To Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act (Wittman)
  • H.R. 5499 - Congressional Oversight of the Antiquities Act (Miller-Meeks)

Letters Cosigned:

Alien Invasion Border Documentary

Check out my border documentary titled Alien Invasion. The 30-minute documentary features footage from private ranches along the border, the Darien Gap in Panama, and interviews with members of Congress, Border Patrol, local and state law enforcement, and much more. It addresses how President Biden’s border crisis began, its consequences, and solutions to address the crisis.  

The border documentary may be watched here.


Top Media Appearance of the Week
I joined War Room’s Steve Bannon to discuss the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 and to provide an update on President Biden’s border crisis. Click below to watch some of the segment: 


Tweet of the Week 


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