23 September 2023

Zelen$kyy says he wants elections in 2024: Billion$$ + Observer$$ in trenches needed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, responding to calls by a US senator this week to announce elections in 2024, said on Sunday voting could take place during wartime if partners shared the cost, legislators approved, and everyone got to the polls. 

  • Top American legislators visited Kyiv Aug. 23, among them Senator Lindsey Graham, who heaped praise on Kyiv’s fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin but said the country needed to show it was different by holding elections in wartime.

Zelenskyy says he wants elections in 2024: billions and observers in trenches needed

SUNDAY, 27 AUGUST 2023, 20:09
Zelenskyy says he wants elections in 2024: billions and observers in trenches needed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he would like to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2024, but this requires legislative changes, funds from partners and international observers even on the front lines.

Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with Nataliia Moseichuk as broadcast on the national joint 24/7 newscast

Details: Commenting on US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham’s position that elections in Ukraine should be held in 2024 despite the war, Zelenskyy said that he spoke with Graham personally.

The president admitted that the issue of elections in Ukraine could "split the support of the United States of America", and the argument put forward is that the US held elections even during the war.

However, he gave a reminder that holding elections during wartime is prohibited by law in Ukraine.

Quote: "The logic is that if you are protecting democracy, then you have to think about this protection even during times of war. Elections are one of the protections. But there is a reason why elections are prohibited by law during wartime – it is very difficult to hold them.

My answer is very simple and Lindsey and I came up with (it) very quickly – he was very satisfied.

Assuming our parliamentarians are ready, then we need changes to the legislation, to the Electoral Code, to do it quickly – this is step number one.

Let’s assume, I told him, you are ready to give me 5 billion, because I can't just take 5 billion from the budget, as it seems to me that this is the amount needed to hold elections in normal times, and in wartime, I don't know what the amount would be –  if the United States of America together with Europe gives us financial support [then Ukraine will hold elections – ed.].

I'm sorry, I'm not asking for anything. I will not hold elections on credit. I will not take money from [what we’re spending on - ed.] weapons and allocate it to elections, either. This is provided for by law. But if you give me this financial support and if the parliamentarians understand that we need to do this , then let's change the legislation quickly...

The President added that the West, primarily Europe, will have to open the opportunity for 7 million Ukrainian refugees to vote because Ukraine does not have such infrastructure capabilities. And refugees should not be deprived of the right to vote.

Zelesnkyy says that no one has yet shown him how to organise elections for military personnel on the front lines and for refugees abroad.

Quote: "There is a way out. I'm ready for it. I'm talking about it publicly now, I told him (Graham) that I have no secrets."

Details: Asked how long this "social contract" can last – 3, 5, 7 years – Zelenskyy said that he would not like to wait that long.

Quote: "Therefore, this is probably the only way out. I would not like to imagine that we would live without elections for 3, 5, 7 years. I do not want the authorities to have the attitude that they are holding on. I am not holding on to anything, I would like to hold an election, honestly. I would like to do it – whenever it is necessary, within a year?"

Zelenskyy arrives in Canada unannounced

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Canada on an unannounced visit, said the office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Source: Office of the Prime Minister of Canada

Quote: "The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will visit Canada, from September 21 to 22, 2023. The two leaders will continue to work closely together to strengthen ties between our countries and help ensure the Ukrainian people can continue to defend themselves against Russia’s brutal and unjustifiable invasion. Canada will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."

Details: In Ottawa, Trudeau will reportedly meet with Zelenskyy to "reiterate Canada’s ongoing military, economic, humanitarian, and development support for Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against Russia’s brutal war of aggression." They will also take part in a signing ceremony for an agreement that will continue to strengthen economic ties between the two countries.

In Ottawa, Zelenskyy will also deliver a speech to Parliament.

The two leaders will then travel to Toronto to meet with Canadian business leaders to "strengthen private sector investment in Ukraine’s future. . ."


 Ukrayinska Pravda

People not ready to spend money on anything other than weapons – Zelenskyy on elections

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