11 November 2023

ATTENDANCE IS COMPLICATED: Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 11.09.2023 | Running Time 1:04:43 ------ 52 views Nov 9, 2023


On agenda:
Title:Hear a presentation and discuss proposed changes to the City's utility private line agreement buy-in program.
Attachments:1. Presentation

Roll Call

1-a Hear a presentation and discuss proposed changes to the City's utility private line agreement buy-in program.
1-b Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on park upgrades to the Fire Fighters Memorial Park located north of Fire Station 201.
1-c Hear a presentation, discuss, and receive an update on the Together Mesa Art in the Park upcoming events and community art.
2 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees.
3 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended.
4 Scheduling of meetings.

On agenda:11/9/2023
Title:Hear a presentation and discuss proposed changes to the City's utility private line agreement buy-in program.
Attachments:1. Presentation

File #:23-1234   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:11/9/2023
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on park upgrades to the Fire Fighters Memorial Park located north of Fire Station 201.
Attachments:1. Presentation

File #:23-1260   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:11/9/2023
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and receive an update on the Together Mesa Art in the Park upcoming events and community art.
Attachments:1. Presentation

File #:23-1258   
Type:MinutesStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:11/9/2023
Title:Housing and Community Development Advisory Board meeting held on October 5, 2023.
Attachments:1. Housing and Community Development Advisory Board Minutes Oct 5 2023


The Mesa City Council believes that its people, not leaders, are what makes a City great and actively works to encourage citizen participation in the decision-making process. 
Whether it is through neighborhood meetings, advisory boards and committees, telephone calls and letters, or email, the Mesa City Council sets policies based on the input and needs of its citizens. 

Mayor John Giles


Councilmember Mark Freeman
District 1
(Northwest Mesa)

Councilmember Julie Spilsbury
District 2
(Central and southcentral Mesa)


Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia
District 3
(Southwest Mesa)

Jen Duff
Councilmember Jenn Duff
District 4
(Downtown Mesa and area south of downtown)


Councilmember Alicia Goforth
District 5
(Northeast Mesa)


Councilmember Scott Somers
District 6
(Southeast Mesa)


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