23 August 2024

AUGUST NEWS EarthNewspaper.com – All The Honest News Fit To Publish

  Friday, August 23, 2024

EarthNewspaper.com – All The Honest News Fit To Publish

August News

ACH (2399) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Nothing In Politics Happens By Accident (Audio 1:11:29)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Dr. Peter Hammond

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Quote Of The Day
“The evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people”
Frank Kent

Website Of The Day
Joseph Sobran
“Perhaps the finest columnist of our generation” ~ Patrick J. Buchanan

Trump Assassination Attempt
Hundreds of posts have been published.
Page is updated daily with pertinent articles, news, photos, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Political Archive With 6,365 Posts

Iran Will Hit Israel, Ball Is In US-Israeli Court
There is a Zen proverb — ‘If you want to climb a mountain, begin at the top.’ All the show of contrived enthusiasm by the US President Joe Biden and CIA Director William Burns over a Israel-Hamas deal on Gaza war cannot obfuscate the grim reality that unless and until Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu greenlights it, this is a road to nowhere. But what did Netanyahu do? On the eve of the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s arrival in Tel Aviv on Sunday to press the flesh and cajole Netanyahu to cooperate, the latter disdainfully ordered yet another air strike in in the central town of Deir Al-Balah in Gaza, killing “at least” 21 people, including six children. Biden had emphasised only the previous day that all parties involved in the Gaza ceasefire negotiations should desist from jeopardising the US-led diplomatic efforts to halt the war and secure a deal to return hostages and achieve a ceasefire to end the bloodshed. And this was even after a ‘senior administration official’ who has been actively involved as negotiator — presumably, Burns himself — laboured to convey in a special briefing from Doha that the negotiations had reached an inflection point. The crux of the matter is that the western leaders have a maximum pressure strategy toward Iran to exercise restraint while they don’t have the moral or political courage to tackle Netanyahu, who is invidiously undermining the Doha process because he is simply not interested in a ceasefire deal that may lead to his removal from power, investigation to pin responsibility for October 7 attacks, revival of court cases against him and possible jail sentence if convicted.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar

Israel’s Nuclear Samson Threat And The Sadistic ‘Ceasefire’ Farce (16:05)
In this news program I cover the long-held Zionist “Samson” policy which involves the deployment of nuclear weapons pre-emptively to prevent the fall of Israel.
by Vanessa Beeley

How Did American Voters Get So Dumb?
It’s a modern fetish that we’re brilliant while our ancestors were idiots. After all, they didn’t have iphones, internets, or Kim Kardashian. This is also academic consensus, for what it’s worth: called the Flynn Effect, the idea is people do better on puzzles so we must be smarter. Of course, one wonders if puzzles translate into, say, understanding monetary policy or how welfare destroys families. The Rise of Dumb Politics. Thankfully, we have a real-world test: actual political campaigns. Back when I was a professor, I ran every inaugural address through a Flesch-Kincaid text analysis to measure the grade level. The logic being top speech-writers know how to talk at voters’ level. Going by grade level, it turns out we are getting dumb breathtakingly fast. In 1900 inaugurals were written at between 13th and 14th grade — modern college level. Today they’re 8th grade for Obama, 9th grade for Trump, and… 7th grade for Biden. It gets worse the further back we go: Andrew Jackson’s 1828 inaugural was written at 22nd grade — meaning, strictly speaking, two phd’s was the median voter in 1828. Keep in mind Jackson was a populist man-of-the-people — Washington’s inaugural was closer to 26th grade. Also keep in mind almost nobody in 1828 — or 1789 — had a formal education. Jackson kicks off with “Undertaking the ardous duties that I have been appointed,” Washington starts with “Among the vicissitudes incident to life,” for Biden it’s “This is America’s day.” So how did we get so dumb? Easy: public schools.
by Peter St Onge

New Study Reveals Sharp Decline In American IQ Scores As The “Reverse Flynn Effect” Takes Center Stage
A new study found a sharp decline in American IQ scores in recent years, offering support for what researchers term the “Reverse Flynn Effect.” Examining a large U.S. sample, researchers from Northwestern University found that IQ ability scores in three of four key categories dropped between 2006 and 2018. Composite ability scores (single scores derived from multiple pieces of information) were also lower in recent samples. While a decline in IQ scores may sound alarming, researchers caution that the results do not mean Americans are becoming less intelligent. “It doesn’t mean their mental ability is lower or higher; it’s just a difference in scores that are favoring older or newer samples,” said Dr. Elizabeth Dworak, a research assistant professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and lead author of the new study. “It could just be that they’re getting worse at taking tests or specifically worse at taking these kinds of tests.” Additionally, researchers did find that American scores in the fourth key IQ category, spatial reasoning, had generally increased from 2011 to 2018. Ultimately, results support a global decline in IQ scores beginning in the 1990s and 2000s. This phenomenon has become known as the “Reverse Flynn Effect.”
by Tim McMillan

Mercantilism Before The Tea Party: Forgotten Grievance Of The Revolution (Show Links, Audio and Video 41:44)
When government-run schools teach that the American Revolution was mostly about “taxation without representation,” the underlying message is clear: today, you have representatives, so if you don’t like what they do, just get new ones. But this ignores a deeper cause – a centuries-old system called mercantilism. Murray Rothbard described it as “a system of statism using economic fallacy to build up imperial power through monopolies and special privileges.” This was a significant part of the real foundation of colonial grievances, long before the Stamp Act and tea taxes ever sparked broader resistance and calls for independence.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center

Missing Seat Belts And PC Plod
I was stationary at the traffic lights when he approached. He wasn’t quite a policeman (you don’t see many of those walking around these days) and he was a bit more than a traffic warden. I’m not totally sure what they’re called, though I’m sure they have a name; a title of some kind. They can arrest people for dropping litter or parking badly, and although I don’t think they carry guns, they are laden down with the technology that all law enforcement officers carry these days: phone, camera, bullet proof vest and more leather pouches strapped to their body than a boy scout on a camping holiday. ‘You don’t seem to be wearing your seat belt, sir,’ he said, managing to add just the right amount of official irony to the final word. ‘No,’ I agreed, for he was quite right. I’d been waiting for this to happen. Antoinette wound down her window, since he was standing on the pavement on her side of the car. He looked in and gave me the two thousand yard stare they teach them before they graduate. Antoinette smiled and said ‘hello’ to him. ‘Would you pull up just over there please, sir,’ he said, indicating a space reserved for taxis. I did as he asked. He walked, very slowly and deliberately, to where I was parked and looked in through Antoinette’s open window. ‘Neither of you appears to be wearing your seat belts,’ he said. Now that he had confirmed that I was a criminal he’d dropped the ‘sir’. ‘No,’ I agreed. I started to explain that the car, being 67-years-old was built before seat belts were introduced and didn’t have them fitted. He looked carefully at the inside of the car. ‘You don’t have any seat belts,’ he said, ignoring me. ‘No,’ I agreed. I was tempted to tell him that I was just on my way to report them stolen. But I resisted the temptation. He had unhooked his phone from his chest and, after walking to the front of the car, had keyed in the registration number. ‘You don’t appear to have a valid road fund licence,’ he said, when he came back. He looked puzzled. He squinted at his phone. ‘Nor a valid MOT certificate.’ ‘No, I agreed. The car is exempt.’ He studied his phone. ‘Exempt?’
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Where Unauthorized Migrants In The U.S. Come From
This infographic show the regions and top countries of origin of unauthorized migrants residing in the United States (data for 2019-2022).
by Strategic Infographics

Here’s Why Putin’s Latest Trip Is So Important For The Emerging World Order
Azerbaijan, a new Russian ally, is in position to play a crucial role in an emergent Eurasia
President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Azerbaijan can rightfully be described as historic. This marks the first time a Russian president has made an official state visit to this South Caucasian republic. The high status of this visit is a clear reflection of the current state of Russian-Azerbaijani relations, which are at an all-time high. Despite Azerbaijan not being a member of organizations such as the CSTO and EAEU, its relationship with Moscow remains robust. A significant milestone in relations was the signing of the Declaration on Allied Interaction (the Moscow Declaration) on February 22, 2022, by the leaders of both countries, which, as Putin noted during his visit, is being successfully implemented. Azerbaijan is transitioning from being a strategic partner to becoming a strategic ally of Russia. This shift can be attributed in part to both countries’ shared commitment to establishing a new multipolar world, resulting in aligned positions on many issues within the current international agenda. While Azerbaijan maintains a stance of strict neutrality in certain areas, it is also unafraid to express its views openly. Baku recognizes that the formation of a new world order is not mere fiction but a reality unfolding before our eyes. Trusting relationships between the leadership of both nations play a significant role in this development. Notably, during the meeting between Putin and Ilham Aliyev, the prospects of Azerbaijan joining BRICS and the SCO were discussed, signaling Baku’s readiness to define its foreign policy priorities.
by Farhad Ibragimov

Adolf Hitler (1:31:53)
Chapter 23 “The World Will Hold Its Breath”
November 12, 1940-June 22, 1942
by John Toland

A War For Control Of The Planet
Since Western governments have pushed the real costs of their boondoggles and BS into the future, they are now all saddled with huge debts and all are caught in the ‘Inflate or Die’ trap.
“Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.” ~ George Orwell, 1984
In 1984, George Orwell imagined a world divided into large warring groups… with everybody and everything was under the control of the government. Forty years later, big groups of adversaries seem to be taking shape. On one side is ‘The West,’ led by the US, together with Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. NATO was set up to counter the threat of an expansionist Soviet Union, eager to promote communism throughout the world. But the Soviet Union disappeared more than thirty years ago. And its successors are no longer communists. Still, NATO continues… and takes on new life. With thirty-two members, NATO has become not just a defensive alliance… but a huge military force with interests of its own. It is now the armed enforcer of what Orwell called “Oceania.” Associated Press: European allies in NATO are stepping up their military spending… pointing to common interests, such as concerns over China. They’re creating American jobs by buying U.S. weapons. In words, deeds and arms deals, leaders of the United States’ partners in NATO are making the case for the military alliance… The rest of the world takes fright. And another major group is forming around the BRIC nations… Russia, Brazil, China, Iran, India, Indonesia — and most of the world’s people!
by Bill Bonner and Dan Denning

Psychiatric Crimes: The Forgotten PBS Special And The Psychiatrist/Editor Who Exploded A Central Myth
I recently came across articles I wrote years ago about the lies/crimes at the very basis of psychiatry. In those pieces, there were two blockbuster revelations I haven’t covered for a long time. People need to know about them and remember them. Especially now, when “mental health issues” has become such a widespread sales funnel, leading to psychiatrists and their toxic drugs. Here you are-2 excerpts from my pieces years ago: ONE: In a PBS Frontline episode, “Does ADHD Exist?”, Dr. Russell Barkley, an eminent professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, unintentionally spelled out a gigantic fraud at the heart of his profession. PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEWER: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker-that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it. BARKLEY: That’s tremendously naïve, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid. Boom. Oh, indeed, that DOES make them invalid. Utterly and completely. All 300 mental disorders. They’re all hoaxes. Because there are no defining tests of any kind to back up the diagnosis. You can sway and tap dance and bloviate all you like and you won’t escape the noose. We are looking at a science that isn’t a science. It’s a fraud. A rank fraud. NO DEFINING TEST FOR ANY MENTAL DISORDER. No blood test, urine test, brain scan, genetic assay. No nothing. Just committees of psychiatrists clustering lists of behaviors and arbitrarily labeling them brain disorders.
by Jon Rappoport

Foul Play? Bayesian Analysis On The Sinking Of The ‘Bayesian’
Deaths of Mike Lynch and Stephen Chamberlain occurred weeks after their acquittal
Last Saturday, Stephen Chamberlain was “fatally struck” by a car whilst he was out running in the UK. Chamberlain was put on life support after being taken to hospital but sadly died on Monday. Also on Monday, a freak waterspout sunk a superyacht off the coast of Sicily. The yacht was owned by the wife of Mike Lynch, often referred to as “Britain’s Bill Gates”. Mike Lynch was one of 22 people on board the yacht and it has since been confirmed that his body was found by divers searching the wreck for survivors. But what connects these two individuals who died on the exact same day, on opposite sides of Europe? Only months before, Chamberlain and Lynch had just been acquitted in one of the biggest ever US fraud cases. The three month trial concerned the sale of their company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 2011. The deal saw HP pay $11.7 billion for the company before $8.8 billion was written off the next year and legal proceedings pursued. HP claimed that Autonomy’s team had fraudulently inflated the value of the company whilst Autonomy claimed HP’s team had undertaken sloppy due diligence. Autonomy’s products sound like a wet dream for intelligence agencies. It’s software platform can process and analyse large volumes of unstructured data – in emails, social media and videos – to find patterns, trends and relevant information.
by The Naked Emperor

Are You Ready For This? (19:14)
by Neil Oliver

Whoever Is (S)Elected As The Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein Will Be The Real Winner
With political campaigns in full swing now as the Democrats are currently holding their convention in Chicago, it is important to remember that national politics in the United States is a closely scripted arm of the entertainment industry, and has almost no bearing on real life, and the issues facing Americans every day. The fact that more Americans don’t recognize this yet, especially after the Great Coup of 2020 and the COVID Scam, shows how a powerful demonic enchantment still holds the minds and emotions of most Americans today, who foolishly believe that they can somehow change the fate of our nation by simply voting their favorite candidate into office, even while admitting that they are voting for the “lesser of two evils”, and acknowledge that the elections are rigged. So if there is a winner declared in the November national elections in the United States, with the illusion that the winner was “chosen” by the “will of the people,” the real winner will undoubtedly be Jeffery Epstein, the man who built today’s political system by using blackmail, primarily through child sex trafficking, to control the richest people in the world who really run America. All three current major candidates (at the time of this writing) running for the office of the President of the United States, have strong connections to Epstein, and undoubtedly would not be in a position to take over the most powerful political office in the U.S. without those connections to Jeffrey Epstein. Limiting the public’s choice to only being able to vote for those who were connected to and empowered by the Epstein child sex trafficking financial system, of course ensures that this Satanic system will continue. Epstein of course was a Satanic Jew, and linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which also ensures that only those who support the Zionist cause can be elected to the office of the President of the United States.
by by Brian Shilhavy

The FDA’s War Against Sleep
Exploring the Critical Importance of Sleep and the Treatments for Insomnia
Story at a Glance: The Power of Sleep: Proper sleep is essential for our health, and disruptions can lead to severe issues like heart attacks, psychiatric illnesses, car accidents, fatigue, diabetes, cognitive impairment, and dementia. A Widespread Epidemic: Poor sleep affects many due to a lack of understanding about its importance and the use of sedative sleeping pills that hinder healthy sleep. For instance, medical training often deprives students of sleep, despite its critical role in learning. The Forgotten Miracle Drug: In 1964, a remarkably effective sleeping medication hit the market, improving conditions like insomnia and overall health. However, its success threatened other drug markets. By 1990, the FDA and media launched a campaign against it, much like the case with ivermectin, resulting in the drug becoming almost unknown and many sleep disorders remaining untreated. What You’ll Learn: This abridged article delves into the harms of poor sleep, explores common causes, and uncovers effective treatments for sleeping disorders. One of the key themes I’ve tried to illustrate in my writings is that chronic illness has vastly increased over the last 150 years. A major cause of this is the disruption of the natural rhythms essential for our body’s self-regulation and self-repair.
by A Midwestern Doctor

America’s Frontier Fund: The Venture Capital Firm With Ties To Peter Thiel And Eric Schmidt
While Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt fund opposing sides of the U.S. election, they are both invested in a venture capital firm with deep ties to U.S. intelligence and military.
American’s are increasingly becoming aware of the fact that the secretive Bilderberg Group is funding both sides of the 2024 Presidential Election, with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt going all in on Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris, and Peter Thiel investing millions in support of Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump. Both Thiel and Schmidt are steering committee members of the Bilderberg Group. While knowledge of this illusion of choice is spreading, the connections between Thiel and Schmidt — as well as other members of the Bilderberg Group — run deeper than surface level relationships. Rather, the intersection between the hidden ruling class represented at the Bilderberg meetings, and the Big Tech Technocrats, has immense influence on the U.S. government, U.S. military-intelligence at the highest levels, and, thus, the world in general.
by Derrick Broze

Inside Dr. Tenpenny’s Fight Against Vaccine Mandates (58:20)
We finally get together with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and we have a wonderful time, as you will too. All throughout, this was an interesting, fast-moving interview. We start out talking about failed efforts to shut down Drs. Tenpenny and Breggin by threatening our licenses. They went after Dr. Tenpenny about her highly scientific views on vaccines in general and COVID-19 jabs in particular. They went after me for remarks I made on Oprah Winfrey in the 1980s critical of psychiatric drugs. And the evil watchdogs for the global predators quit in both cases without going to a licensure hearing. Learn how being tough can pay off well when defending yourself! Then, we asked Dr. Tenpenney to share her knowledge about vaccines from early on and their threat to our abilities to think and feel like normal human beings. You cannot listen to this interview without learning many new and important things about the operation of the world today. I was taking notes throughout, in particular about the whole history of vaccines and the high likelihood of harm to the brain and mind resulting from any one of them, let alone the horrendous combination of them in one person.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The 1980 Bayh-Dole Act, The 1986 NCVIA, And The 2005 PREP Act Destroyed American Science And Medicine
We need to rebuild American science and medicine from the ground up
This is part II of my series on the Covid response as an example of original sin (part I is here). However I’m coming at it from a slightly different angle today. The state of American science and medicine. What have we learned about American science and medicine over the last several years? American science does not do much actual science. They do marketing, regulatory capture, and mass poisonings but not much actual “science” as that word is usually understood. American medicine creates sickness rather than healing. I know, I know, #notalldoctors. But the profession is deeply sick. American science and medicine abuse their unique epistemic position to increase their own power and wealth at the expense of the well-being of humanity. The proper way to understand American science and medicine today is to see them as criminal cartels. They aren’t making mistakes, these aren’t innocent misunderstandings, the white coat class is engaged in organized crime. Every time you step into a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital you are likely dealing with an agent of a criminal syndicate. American science and medicine have merged with the state, Big Finance, the pharmaceutical industry, the military, and the intelligence agencies to create a new form of fascism.
by Toby Rogers

Big Brother Goes Digital: The Feds’ Race To Integrate Mobile IDs In America
The push to develop digital ID and expand its use in the US is receiving a boost as the country’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is launching a new project. NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has teamed up with 15 large financial and state institutions, as well as tech companies, to research and develop a way of integrating Mobile Driver’s License (mDL) into financial services. But according to NIST, this is just the start and the initial focus of the program. The agreement represents an effort to tie in yet more areas of people’s lives in their digital ID (“customer identification program requirements” is how NIST’s announcement describes the focus of this particular initiative). These schemes are often criticized by rights advocates for their potential to be used as mass surveillance tools. Now NIST’s initiative brings together this institution and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), California Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – Science and Technology Directorate, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Microsoft.
hy Didi Rankovic

Israel Faces Collapse ‘In Less Than A Year’ If War Of Attrition Continues: Retired General
Facing a crumbling economy, global calls for boycotts, internal strife, a shortage of troops, and war on several fronts, Israeli authorities have continued to sabotage ceasefire talks that could quell regional tensions
The former ombudsman of the Israeli army, reserve General Yitzhak Brik, says his country “faces collapse in less than a year” if the war against the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and the Lebanese resistance in the north continues at its current pace. In an opinion column published by Haaretz on 21 August, Brik claims Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has begun to “sober up,” pointing to Gallant’s recent comments in which he called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s promises of “total victory” in Gaza “gibberish.” “[Gallant] has started to understand that if a regional war breaks out due to failure to reach a [ceasefire deal], Israel will be in danger,” Brik says, adding that “Gallant already understands that the war has lost its purpose. We are sinking into the mud, losing fighters who are killed and wounded, with no chance of achieving the main goal.” “Indeed, the country is galloping to depreciation. If the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse in no more than a year,” the former army commander highlights. Brik goes on to list the many threats facing Israel 10 months into its campaign of genocide in Gaza, including intensifying attacks inside its territory, a manpower crisis in the army due to heavy losses, a crumbling economy made worse by global calls to boycott the country, possible embargoes on arms shipments, and the “loss of social resilience and hatred between the parts of the population, which can ignite and cause it to crash from within.” “All roads of political and military rank lead Israel to the slope … Israel has entered an existential spin, and it may soon reach a point of return,” Brik concludes.
by News Desk

Professor Robert Faurisson Explains The Auschwitz Models With Ernst Zundel (1985) (31:21)

New Poll On America Support For Israel/Palestine
The Economist/YouGov poll has come out with a quite interesting new survey on American attitudes toward the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Here are the results. The top panel breaks the results out according to standard demographic categories, while the bottom panel does so according to political tendencies.
The most obvious takeaway is that overall support for “the Israelis” is only at 35%—which, compared to the past, is a remarkably low level of support. Two additional notes: First, “about equal” support is at 25%, and that is no consolation to Anglo-Zionists. My guess is that as things go from bad to worse that support will also shift away from equal and away from “the Israelis.” Second, “about equal looks like the most consistent in percentage across the board, although it is highest among Blacks and Hispanics. That is also true for the “not sure” category, where Black respondents are easily at the highest level of all respondents—40%. Again, the disinclination to commit to Israel among such a core demographic for the Dem party is a flashing red light for the Jewish owners of the Dem brand. Black outright support for “the Israelis” is the lowest of any category except for the 18-29 age group, at 17%.
by Mark Wauck

“The March Through Institutions” – A Personal Case Study
I learned a great deal about the ways of the world when I performed some real investigative journalism that exposed a “bully” superintendent and the radical education agenda she sold like snake oil.
For a while now, I’ve wanted to share details and lessons from the most comprehensive and intense “investigative journalism” I’ve ever performed. Eight years ago, as a freelance journalist, I spent months investigating and then reporting on very disturbing (to me) allegations involving a new school system in Pike Road, Alabama (where our family lived at the time). Published by the monthly conservative newspaper The Alabama Gazette, my series of articles focussed on the school system’s superintendent, Dr. Suzanne Freeman, who was also the school’s first principal. The articles itemized allegations that Freeman (and her top assistants) bullied staffers and spearheaded efforts to introduce a radical or “ultra-woke” education program. In my view, my reporting and experiences identified myriad toxic trends that define today’s America. For example, from this case study, I see clear evidence of the end result of a “march through the institutions” (in this case, education). I see the authoritarian and intimidating tactics employed by leaders who are passionate “true believers” and how certain programs, once implemented, can polarize an entire community and leave dissenters miserable, afraid to speak out and often fired.
by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Hidden Danger In Your Tissue Box: Extremely Toxic PFAS Contamination Uncovered In 46% Of Products
That soft, absorbent facial tissue you reach for when you have a cold or need to wipe away tears might be harboring a toxic secret. A recent study has uncovered the presence of PFAS “forever chemicals” in nearly half of popular facial tissue brands tested, raising alarming questions about the safety of these everyday products. As you dab your nose or wipe your child’s face, could you unknowingly be exposing yourself and your loved ones to potentially harmful chemicals?
A new study by consumer watchdog group Mamavation has found indications of toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” in nearly half of facial tissue brands tested.1 The study, conducted in partnership with Environmental Health News, analyzed 13 popular facial tissue products for the presence of organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS contamination. Key findings from the study include: 46% of facial tissue products tested (6 out of 13) showed indications of PFAS, with organic fluorine levels ranging from 10 to 25 parts per million (ppm). 66% of products with PFAS indications were advertised as bamboo-based. All products with PFAS indications claimed some type of environmentally friendly feature or certification. Organic fluorine levels ranged from 10 ppm to 25 ppm, likely indicating supply chain contamination rather than intentional addition. PFAS chemicals, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of synthetic chemicals that have been widely used for decades in consumer and industrial products for their water-resistant, stain-resistant and grease-proof properties.2 However, PFAS are extremely persistent in the environment and human body, earning them the nickname “forever chemicals.”
by GreenMedInfo Research Group

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9th Circuit Reinstates Arizona Voter Suppression Law

In Context:   So why is the state’s GOP suddenly siding with Arizona’s Democratic secretary of state in calling for the court to allow tens ...