12 August 2024

Data on licenses of all carriers have been opened in Ukraine

 "Published data do not include information that could threaten Ukraine's national security," the ministry added. 

LINK: https://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2024/08/12/717892/

Data on licenses of all carriers have been opened in Ukraine

Monday, August 12, 2024, 3:47 PM - 

Data.gov.ua's license register data is now available on the Single State Open Data Portal.

About it reports press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

Published data contain information about licenses issued since 2010. Currently, there are more than 57,000 licenses for the carriage of goods, passengers and international transportation by road.
Access to this data allows for a deeper analysis of the situation with issued and revoked licenses, reduce the share of unscrupulous carriers in the market and carefully study already issued licenses.
According to the report, opening a database for businesses provides new opportunities for cooperation and effective planning.
For citizens — transparent access to important information.
For the state — increase control over illegal carriers and reduce corruption risks.

"Published data do not include information that could threaten Ukraine's national security," the ministry added. 

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